I will champion any alcohol which gets into me for free!

Went with DF and her wine supplier (by her I mean her restaurant's, ha!).
Ran into Sass and co., didn't let it become too much of a shitshow. Had to hit up Dakota before it got too late...
In case you were wondering and you read in the toronto star that dakota is good the place to be on sundays.. now tuesday is the new sunday. JFYI.
I have more to say about everything in the world but it is almost 5 a.m. and I work all the time!
My Good God, Guys!
I maybe bought a canon powershot camera today off craigslist (from a guy named Craig.. awesome or what??) and it is maybe beyond wonderful.
10 megapixels (twice that of DF's that she has been lending me, also almost the same as my DSLR) 6x zoom (whoa). He included two sets of rechargeable batteries + charger aaaand a 2 gig memory card!

I'm vvvvvvvery excited about it. I hope I don't break it! Yikes it is so good!
Party train tonight, I was totally on it.
Maybe I am not old/boring yet??
We'll see...