I shot a commercial in one of these buildings, I think.
They've been filming something on College lately and I'm jealous. Constantly jealous...

Here is an article about a show that some friends of mine worked on. Speaking of jealousy.

I just bought some clothes at Honest Ed's. Man that place is so hit-or-miss. But I have to tell you, today was so many hits. Including $4 shoes I can wear to work...

Also, when my new fabulous duvet cover gets here I'm taking down all the Christmas ornamentation for a bit (WHAT?) so I bought a few household items (teatowels, etc) that weren't Christmas-themed.

I'm very very excited for a bit of a different look around here.

I do not want to go to work. I want to hold kittens all day long. It might turn out that I have one day off until the end of the month. Whoa. Hopefully not though.