Look at those little fluffballs! So ridculous all day long.

Happy four-week birthday, little dudes.

Yep, their eyes still look a bit crazy. Hopefully that'll pass.

Tilda is such a handsome, lean, long, beauty.

I hope she gets a great home with lots of people and attention.

Diabetes foundation came to pick up all the left-overs from the clothing swap. I may or may not have gone through the bags again before putting them out. And I may have nabbed a few more things for myself.
(Whatever, I needed them. Sometimes I forget I need a few decent things to wear to auditions.)

It was so nice out today. It made me feel like doing stuff. That feeling faded fast once I got home, ate something and got on the internet.
I'm actually fairly certain that the internet is ruining my life.

Had a recall this morning for some commercial. Then I got a matcha and went to Kensington. Almost bought some shoes. Still thinking about it. They are pretty sweet and mostly so that I can wear them to work. Hmm.
I wanted a vintage leather purse as well but $40? I've never spent $40 on anything (besides drinking all the time).
I did buy this sweet shirt though. This is the summer of blouses. I've decided.

I'm very torn about going out tonight. I haven't gone out the past few nights, just watched TV at Dollface's. And I don't know if I feel like it.
I have a runny nose.
And I'm trying to spend less money. Oh, but I do love fun times...
Like I said, fun times.

Like always at this time of year, this weather's got me wanting love more tangible...