I've been taking way, way too many photos of kittens all day and it's like a cute festival around here. But I also took photos last night at the EP release for

This band belongs to my first Toronto friend. Kind of wild that I even still know him these days. But I guess I'm kind of like that.

I have been looking forward to this EP for a long, long time now. I suggest you go and download it. You will be glad. It's funny to me because I have different versions and demos of a bunch of their (his) songs dating back a few years and it's neat to see the transformations and variations. They did an upbeat dancey version of one of my favourite ballads of his called Letter From Your Governor and it made me laugh I don't know why. That one is not on the EP so too bad for you, I guess I just get to like it in private.

Cute little dudes, good show.
Took another of my oldest Toronto friends, Tanner, with me. He and I went to college together and now he is roommates with Mrs. so I still see him a lot. Oh yeah, he is also the one I did the project with a few weeks ago.
He is a good show buddy and up for anything. We caught up a bit and talked about babes and babe-breaks and wanting to be in love (not with each other. ew. that reminds me I should find that picture of us together where it looks like an engagement announcement and scan it into the internet) and wanting to be better people.
It was nice and productive, I think.

(This guy is from Saskatoon!)

I may or may not have gotten a bit messy and tried to take a lot of pictures of myself (super hard with this lens and the dslr) by the window. Anytime I'm saying yes to shots I know I shouldn't have, we know it's a bad idea.

I don't think I'm going to party tonight.
I am going to go for sushi with
Sass and co since she's leaving the country for awhile and probably her mother will hold her capture in Hong Kong so she won't be able to return. Or maybe not.
Also, I exercised both yesterday and the day before and have already done a bit today!
Yayayay me and yay competitions against my mother!