
we'll look back on this life as it it were a scene

hello yankee doodle dandies.
I've been away! And by "away" I mean "busy".

I really have no good excuses except that I am far too popular for computing.

Haha I just got that feeling where I want to burst into tears, that's how I know I haven't been spending enough time by myself. Also I blame Tom Cochrane, although I'm not sure that I Wish You Well would do this to me normally.

i'm going out on the town
I almost wore this to brunch today. It is not warm enough out though.

Happy Thanksgiving! I had the best Thanksgiving I've had in years, probably. I never usually have anything to do and I just don't think it's a worthwhile holiday.
But this year I went with Dollface to her grandmother's. Her grandmother has it catered! And there were many many people. And her grandmother got everyone gifts! Even me! Which made it feel very much like Christmas and you know how I feel about Christmas... (good).

The drive out there was nice. I visited with DF's siblings who were very cute and looked just like DF (except not as beautiful I guess)
road trip
Her gram's building was v fancy with lots of chandeliers.
I love chandeliers. I hope one day to own a mansion with lots of chandeliers. Or at least stay in lots of hotels.
fancy chandeliers
I got full off the appetizers. So, so good. Hummus and spinach dip and red pepper dip and veggies and then they walked around offering little bites soooo good.
aww little bartender guy
they have the kids do the bartending (have a little tip cup out - totally full by the end of the eve), they were very competent, gave good full glasses of wine. Uh huh.
Adult table:
The table were divided up by age/status. Kind of funny. Our table the was the coolest (obviously). I wish DF's brother didn't have to leave so soon, wanted to friend him, he's very nice-seeming. And I like his writing and taste in music so, you know.
fancy building with fancy mirrors

mmm centerpieces
I took home a bunch of those apples, fresh from the orchard, going to make apple crisp maybe later if you're lucky.
delicious crudities!
DF really likes her parents, with total just cause on account of they are excellent. So warm and friendly. But not in a put-on way.
Her dad has lots of brothers, they are all very nice. Makes me sad for no dads in my life. But also pleased that great dads exist.
stef and poppa

place-card for ME!
name tag with my name on it
veg version for me! Patty-shell with stuffing and whipped potatoes and delicious veggies. No really. Oh yeah we had pumpkin soup to start with a dollop of sour cream and chives! I know, Right?
my veg dinner!
haha notice that there are three pieces of cheesecake beside my name
three kinds of cheesecake!!
must all be for me! Best cheesecake I've had in quite some time. Three kinds: Pumpkin (favourite), Lime-Almond (2nd), Chocolate (still stupidly good).
DF's family is very seriously bout their holiday. NO TOMFOOLERY.
serious family thanksgiving

After dinner we went with DF's cousins for a pint and planned to go out on the town but I was So Tired. I went home and couldn't go back out again. Also food coma. Also we drank all afternoon but the food kept absorbing it and so we just got tired not drunkskies.


I worked briefly on Monday morning (holiday pay!) and then went to dinner at Deer's house (finally picked a damn aka). Also fun times. I like parents. I like hanging with parents. It happens far less often in Toronto that I was used to in Saskatoon. But I guess that's because we all lived at home. Yeah that makes sense.
They have cats (!) and one cat who looks like she is Batman!
Also ate myself almost into a coma again.
Also Deer brought wine but we drank it all, well, along with his dad.
His dad tells the WORST jokes it is pun after pun after pun it's like he can't stop like a compulsion. Worse than my mum for sure and that's saying a lot. But also very nice dude, I liked him a lot. I think he appreciated my making fun of his jokes. The mum was also very kind but more stressed about the dinner I think. And less chummy. Still, she did look kind of like Mrs Claus and you know how I feel about Christmas... (good)

After dinner I took a picture of this store for Deer:
sht uddog inc
He insists this is pronounced "Shit You Dog Incorporated"
I have a sneaking suspicion that he is wrong.

Then, with that out of the way, we went to my friends' house for desert and champagne. Because we hadn't had enough pie or anything at that point. I have no idea how I ate two tarts... Made Dollface come as well.
My friends were having a fancy dinner party and so they were all dressed up and stuffed right up to the gills.


nice face
It really was a nice get-together though. Their new house is very beautiful, and because it's so beautiful the boys are even helping to keep it nice. We hung out on the rooftop deck with 2 dogs and Jonathan Tip Top Taylor Thomas Chirovsky.
One of the dogs shat on the floor inside, which lead to us all telling the best pooping stories we had. Pure brilliance.
No really, you're getting told them soon. Hopefully.
I laughed so hard for no good reason at one point that I spat champagne all over the deck and it came out my nose. I know, right?
We also sat around chatting and even watched a short film that one friend had made. So good. So beautiful. I want to make more short films! Let me!!!

I'm so lucky these days, guys. I know really great people. People who want to talk about poop and want to make movies and play good songs.

I'm not going to lament over how my career is going nowhere fast and how scared I am that I will never work again because I believe that things are looking up. And I'm busy trying to believe that I just need to keep on.


This post is too long now!
I'm going to write the rest later. Maybe.
So many photos! And good times