
too much, too late

I went through the internets to bring you more information about Raymi's art show from earlier this week.
And by "information" I mean "pictures of me I stole from other people's sites".

The show is on at The Central (Mirvish village) for the next couple of months and you should go and see the arts.
My favourites are the cupcake one and the chair one. The chair one especially.

Look, it's me meeting Steph for the first time!

She kept rubbing my arm. Apparently I have soft skin. Good thing we liked it each other, it would've been awkward if we hadn't since we've been e-friends for awhile now.

Aw three prettiest bloggers I know: Raymi, Steph and Sass

Then Raymi put some gooey white stuff on my face. Story of my life so whatever.

Then we ate up ALLLLLLL the cake and other goodies (nice spread, btw)

Then I was apparently still very hungry

Then I told this guy to "suck less cock" apparently. I do not remember saying that, but I'm sure that there was a good reason. (yes that is his real name. yes I know making fun of people's last names is the pot calling the kettle Pot)

Then I was nervous and I went home.

Or at least that's what that picture seems to say. I don't really remember.

But yes you should go to see the art. And then buy the art and then Raymi will be very happy.
And most importantly you should read the descriptions of each piece because they're funny.


No but really guys, what am I going to go as for Hallowe'en?