Band practice did not kill my dream of becoming a rockstar. Aw man what I'd do for musical talent...
So fun though, practicing with all the band in a big space and drinking beers. Just like what I imagined being in a band would be like. SIGH.
And then today we have soundcheck at 7:30 and then we're going for band food (which I assume will taste different than regular food) and then we play our show!
We're opening up for Magnetic Morning, which is the sideproject of guys from Swervedriver and Interpol and it's at the Horseshoe. Kind of fun, right?
I can't stress enough how little I have to do with tonight's set and how bad I am - but still.
Still funtimez.
Other bad news:
Deer does not like Elliott Smith.
(I don't even know what to say about that...)
Still am not quite certain what I'm going as for Hallowe'en but I am starting to get a few better ideas... hopefully...

everyone is so pretty all the time

have I mentioned how lucky I am lately?

I feel like this brunch and these photos are so nice. I feel like I'll look back on this.

people were into resting their heads on their hands.
must have been a heavy-headed day.
Haha yesterday I had an audition for a commercial to play a worker at a hockey arena. I just couldn't relate.
aw man it'd be terrible if I got it, then still working at ACC.
But I got to see my improv teacher who I never see anymore because I don't do the Horror show like I should... And when he streches he makes Superman poses. Which is really kind of charming.
I should do more improv. Okay, I will.
Just in case you were wondering, I'm very ready to have lots of auditions and really ready to book another gig.
I am. Promise.
Too much popularity these days. Remember in the winter how I would go days without leaving my house? Remember when I would just hole-up and be alone? I wonder if I will ever be in a place like that again... I miss it a bit.
Spending time alone this afternoon though. And getting things done. Finally got rid of my big computer so now I have a hole desk to fill up and organize. mmhmmm.
It's also maybe time I took the air conditioner out of the back window... I'm not allowed to turn on the heat until I do, so.....
But Rudyard is stretched out along side of me and her kitten face is not to be disturbed... so maybe a bit more dicking around on the internet...