
Carrot Tuesday Soup!

(I read some recipes on the internet but then I just sort of made some and it is really effing good)

1 package of baby carrots
1 small potato
1 onion
seasoning salt
brown sugar

I lightly cooked the onion in some oil (but I didn't brown it) and I chopped up the potato and carrots very small. Then I put them in the pot with some water. Then I boiled it for a long, long time. And then I remembered to put in some spices, I put in a lot of ginger (maybe a tablespoon?) and some cinnamon. And some seasoning. Aaand then I remembered how much I like sugar, so then I put in some brown sugar. Maybe a quarter cup-ish...
And then I cooked it awhile longer. It felt like forever. I watched a whole episode of Cold Case while it cooked. Then I blended most of it and then put it back into the top.
And then I ate it!!!

Yeah. So whenever I want to write blogs I don't have time to and whenever I have time to I have nothing to write about because I'm so booooring.

Oh yeah, we went to the Fritz Helder video release last night. We got there later on and it was kind of dead. I didn't take any pictures but Raymi did, before I got there, of course.
But we did have a funtimez dance party for a bit, which made it totally worthwhile.
Oh yeah, and I met Fritz and he recognized me from being off TV. So famous.

We ended up at Sneaky Dee's where for some reason we ordered the king's crown nachos (sans beef) and they are outrageous. So flipping good. Don't try them. You will never be able to order other nachos ever again.
It's the beans and the guacamole and also how they're arranged. I will photograph them next time for you.

I need to go dancing more. I need to. I'm ready. Dance dance dance dance dance

I've been watching way too much TV on the internet. So much.

So. Gossip Girl.
There's a show.
It really is a parent's worst nightmare, just like their advertising says.
But it's actually kind of awesome. And the babes! Oh the babes! I used to wonder why people would talk about having crushes on Chuck Bass, but now...... UGH he's so dirty and gross and smarmy and sleazy and well, disgusting. He's a terrible person. He's obnoxious. And really hot. Goddamn it.
He might actually be my fave dood. Dan is boring me to death and Nate is way too pretty. Pretty is kind of boring.

Best thing from the show lately? That they had Blair masturbating! They totally did! I mean, only implied, but still! Good work, show.

The show still needs work, for sure, but parts are kind of awesome, and why is it so gd addictive to watch rich people run around being rich?

Also, does anyone know why the boys seem to wear uniforms and the girls do not?

OKAY. I'm ready to go find something to do. Maybe. We'll see.
I wonder what other TV shows I'd like...