
Rudyard comes to town

oh bloggy, guess what?

new addition to the household. Her name is Sleater-Kinney but I have trouble with names other people give to things so while she is here she is called Rudyard Kitling!
She is sssssssickeningly cute. Like totally barf-worthy, prettiest face and kitteny body and she is soft as moccasins. For realz.
She's so cute it's almost like she must be part android or something. Gross.

rudyard kitling

Nice time evening, gotta say:
kitten + eating way too much good food + babe + peppermint tea + watching my so-called life = pretty much the best life ever

Except I'm sick. Why does everyone in the world have colds and now me too? Third cold since the end of August!

where is the art?
tomorrow I will blog about Nuit Blanche but right now I'm going to sleep. Because I have not had enough of that lately. At all.