
I'll need it

Going to yet another screening of A Small Thing tonight. You'd think I'd be over watching myself by now.
And I am kind of.
But luckily it's a short film and I'll get to see other short films and I'll get to hang with my friends. And I do still like the film - so there.

It's 4 p.m. and I haven't gotten out of bed except to fetch bits of food and to pee and to feed the cat.
This is the life.
I slept in until 1 p.m., didn't mean to. I'm depressed. Had stress dreams but that's okay. Dreamt I sorted out things that I haven't actually sorted out in real life.
Too bad dreams couldn't also accomplish things.

Also going to a house party tonight and that's good. I like to partydown in partytowns. I like drinking and stuff like that.

I'm trying to tie up loose ends. Actually doing kind of a good job of it today! Congratulations to me!

Also; my aunt wanted to know if with men #1 always came with #2 and I'm reporting back to say that with all the men I've asked, it's yes, yes they come together.

And yes, that's enough talking about poo
or close to enough, at least.

Ugngh. I should probably bathe or something.
Wish me luck.