
sniffle cough snivel whine

I'm typing one-handed.
But in the loveliest way because there is a curled up purring-kitten weighing down my one arm.
What a loveliness.

So. I need to get a second job, probably. I'm laziness.
In the nicest way.
I love my slovenly lifestyle.
I love having little to do besides stalk babes or lie around with cats or watch Rick Mercer Report or go to see rock bands.

Today for instance, went for lunch at Salad King (yum. We maybe didn't take as much advantage of how you can colour on their menus as we should have but still)
I'm the king of salads!!!

and shopped in the mall (Aldo sells grips for the bottoms of your soles, if you need, for $6. not bad, maybe my new boots will be wearable. I totally canned myself when my foot slipped from my pedal as I was biking the other day. yeouch.) and at The Bay.
I have kind of a weird affection for The Bay since I worked there for one Christmas. They were a pretty good employer, and I just sort of liked that store.
I came close to buying a diamond ring (and by 'diamond' I mean 'fakeskies') but then I remembered how I'm not buying anymore ridiculous cheap costume jewelery.
I do seriously need some silver rings though, I'm tired of all my rings turning all colours and then breaking.


Anyway! Then I went to the beer store. And then I went by the ice cream place where I traded my friend a beer for an ice cream. Except I didn't give her the beer until she'd left the building because it's illegal to have alcohol in your workplace. Obviously.

The weather has been kind of fantastic.
I visited that same friend at ice cream yesterday while I did my laundry and it was kind of lovely to sit outside on such a quintessential autumn afternoon.
Aaaand I bought myself some samosas aaaaand a pumpkin spice latte.
I've been feeling like treating myself to the world the past couple of days because I have a bad cold (still) and cramps and my stomach's been upset and I have messy moods.
I deserve everything good in the world.

But did you catch the part where I said about how I did my laundry?? totally went out and was productive yesterday!
Congratulations to me.

Okay. I think I'm going to go to Raymi's art show now. Because I like art!
And mostly booze.
And I want to stalk up on Steph who I still have never met in real life and that SEEMS VERY SILLY.