Tip from my fav cousin (cousband, because I keep trying to marry her) who knows me too well. Way too well. Intimately, even.
Oh yeah, I want to go on record with this idea so that when it gets invented I can say "I thought of that first" (just like my mother, who frequently invents things that then get made. But she doesn't have a blog so she has nooooo proof).
I want a feature on my cellphone that automatically blocks me from certain numbers after, say, 11pm. I want to not be able to call (or especially also text message) certain numbers after that time. It is never a good idea and always ends badly.
This makes sense because you can't just delete these numbers, then if they called you wouldn't know who it was. And some people are alright to talk to during the day, but NOT when it gets dark out.
OH YEAH also OMG it could block incoming calls from certain numbers after a certain time!
And BETTER YET it would give them an automated message like (just as a for instance and this isn't aimed at anyone in particular)
That would be amazing.
Someone invent these features for me!
I felt like when I realized that I was slightly depressed that that meant I wouldn't be anymore. I wish it worked that way. But today I am feeling good and I had the loveliest walk home this morning. What is with fall being so fucking beautiful? So, so nice out. Perfect, really.
And I got a giant (24oz) coffee from 7 Eleven. Because I'm gross like that.
I am kind of hung over, but I just ate some of the best hummous in the world. It has olives in it. Real sliced olives. In it.
And I'm drinking water. And yesterday I bought groceries and made lentil soup and cleaned the house a bit. So, good work me.
I also made crafts! My friend (who very badly needs a pseudonym but I can't decide on one and he won't pick one) came over so that we could make accessories for his outfit for his show last night. His band, Foxfire likes to theme themselves for their shows and last night was "tribal" so we made necklaces with wooden beads and feathers. V funtimez. I lovelove making crafts. And making crafts with babes is even better.
I also fed him soup. Because I am nice like that.
Thennnn my other friend came over who is my favourite dudefriend and I fed him soup too and we had some beer. And then he helped me choose my outfit for the evening. Because he's sort of like a ladyfriend except with much broader shoulders. I had three particularly stellar ensembles which I obviously should've documented. I'm not sure I decided on the right one but it was pretty classic and showed my lovely breasts, so, you know.

I texted dollface about 1 billion times so that she HAD to come and meet me at the show! What a good friend! She asked if I were drunk and I said I was not but guess what guys: I was lying!
I know, right? What a little sneak.
I did also have some of the worst cramps I've had in awhile which was kind of weird because they were stabby and I HATE the stabby kind and they def should have been done and that's no fair. Gonna get my insides removed!
(Just jokes that is not particularly funny.)
The show was very very fun I had quite a bit of fun I sat sort on the edge of the stage (you know that weird box that Sneaky Dee's has right there?) and also danced but not as much as I should have (see above for reasons). Holy dance party. Holy cutest band. I don't have any good pictures really, but I did make a video that needs approval before you'd get to see it. It is of my new favourite song Dangerous Hearts (ahhahah).

I wish I had a good picture of his peacock tail because it was particularly wonderful.

Attack kiss. I hope that DF had an okay time because I love her and I was inebriated and probably pretty selfish (quelle surprise). BUT we did eat some chocolate bars. And I hadn't had a chocolate bar in forever and you know what? THEY'RE GREAT.
Also great? The kitten. She is so pretty. She looks like she's wearing make-up. She's like a princess. A princess who knocks all my stuff over and runs about like a possessed squirrel.