I have to go to work and so it won't be a total waste. And I made quesadillas for lunch (sogood) so I am productive. Kind of?
I've been doing a lot of nothing, with Deer. Had brunch with Dollface yesterday and Deer and I went on about how beautiful she is. Holy eyelashes and in real life you have to see her eyes they are sort of flecked sort of like the inside of a tree trunk or something.

Hang out at Manic coffee a lot, Deer has shots and I keep him company while he is drinking.

The weather has been stupidly, stupidly beautiful. And I'm lucky to have free days to enjoy it.

We went to Mother's Dumplings the other day. I've been meaning to go and then we went and it was good. Maybe not as good as I'd been hoping but still so good. Why does this city have so many restaurants I want to eat at all the time? All my income goes to food and drink that's too much.

I want every day to be fall. It's pretty much perfect. I want to wear sweaters and summer dresses all the time. Boots and sandals.

I've been wearing shorts. Not today. Though.
Today I am hanging in bed until I have to go to work in 10 minutes. Too soon! How does the afternoon go by so quickly, so beautiful wasted?

oh yeah forgot to tell you - Rudyard P Kitling is staying for another month or two or indefinitely and I'm glad and I think she is too that's why she is peering at me like a nutcase.

Here's the stories about poo that I promised you.. well, only two of them. But the best two, I think
you're welcome