doing it
having sex
sticking it in 'er
putting out
putting in
tapping that
hitting that
getting that shit wet
Needless to say she told me to shut up.
Pauvre, Pauvre Mama, she should've had a different, more classy, daughter.
Does anyone else think of a steaming pile of poo when they hear the phrase "hot mess"?
Went to Raymi's art show last night.
I showed up drunk, as per usual.

And it turns out I can't really operate a camera without my druthers.
Hahah that's doesn't make sense even.
Oh look, they're having soooo much fun:

You don't say!:


Guess What??!!??!?
I finally, finally met Steph! We've been meaning to be more than just (internet) friends for awhile now, and finally our dreams came to realization.
She's very tiny.
Tinier than she seems on TV. And by TV, I mean the internet. She also didn't manage to get properly photographed (by me). So I can't show you. She's very cute though. If you like that sort of thing. Which I don't.
It's raining! And this just serves me right because I was going on about how I love the rain but since I was totally planning on biking to faraway lands today, it just effed me over.
Whatever. I'm going to go for a walk and stuff!
I had a dream last night where I realized that I was kind of depressed. And then I woke up and realized I am kind of depressed.
I can tell I'm getting down when I am not eating properly and when I am not drinking any water (normally I drink at least 3 liters a day but I haven't even touched my water bottle in a days, the only water I've consumed has been at restaurants or to wash down my pain killers).
I can tell because there's good fruit in the fridge that I haven't touched and I refuse to buy groceries, instead I go hungry or make people bring me chocolate bars.
And I can tell because my house is messy. And because I am lethargic and catch myself staring at the wall for an awkwardly long time. And because I keep wanting to weep.
Guess it's time to get up get myself up quit being a baby or something.
My life is great, etc.
Although I will say, I am ready to book another gig.
And I'm ready for people to quit asking me if I have something lined up.