
oh mighty hunter

Good work Rudyard Kitling! You killed your first mouse!
Except next time you could let it keep its insides on the inside.
If you want to.

Hey you know who is popular (by which I mean, has people who love her)??
Two Thanksgivings this year instead of my usual none.
I don't even like Thanksgiving! But this year I am making an effort to get into it. Sort of like how sometimes people hate Christmas but they really shouldn't.
No, actually, that's a different situation all together.

First din this afternoon with Dollface and fam! I'm hoping someone gets sloppy and embarrassing. And I hope that it's not me. Oh yeah, I also get to meet her brother for the first time!
I hope I like him as much as I'm planning on.
OMG I just realized I am totally showing up empty-handed. Worst guest ever! I'm an embarrassment.
No wonder no one ever invites me anywhere.


I'm feeling sort of crazy these days where I am negotiating how extremely excellent everything is going (except my career but whatever who even cares about that) with how I am still mildly depressed and can't see to make myself do things I should.


This is the only picture I have from Steph's birthday last night.

But I'm sure there'll be more information on that to come.
It was v funtimez though. I really like that girl. Especially something about the way she talks, which you don't get to experience through her blog...
I took one of those martinis home. It's kind of rad, actually. It wasn't that rad when I didn't know it was fake and Sass made like she was going to throw it in my face.

Shit I left the curling iron on!