Except next time you could let it keep its insides on the inside.
If you want to.
Hey you know who is popular (by which I mean, has people who love her)??
Two Thanksgivings this year instead of my usual none.
I don't even like Thanksgiving! But this year I am making an effort to get into it. Sort of like how sometimes people hate Christmas but they really shouldn't.
No, actually, that's a different situation all together.
First din this afternoon with Dollface and fam! I'm hoping someone gets sloppy and embarrassing. And I hope that it's not me. Oh yeah, I also get to meet her brother for the first time!
I hope I like him as much as I'm planning on.
OMG I just realized I am totally showing up empty-handed. Worst guest ever! I'm an embarrassment.
No wonder no one ever invites me anywhere.
I'm feeling sort of crazy these days where I am negotiating how extremely excellent everything is going (except my career but whatever who even cares about that) with how I am still mildly depressed and can't see to make myself do things I should.
This is the only picture I have from Steph's birthday last night.

But I'm sure there'll be more information on that to come.
It was v funtimez though. I really like that girl. Especially something about the way she talks, which you don't get to experience through her blog...
I took one of those martinis home. It's kind of rad, actually. It wasn't that rad when I didn't know it was fake and Sass made like she was going to throw it in my face.
Shit I left the curling iron on!