And was he a babe?
Goddamn my babedar is off. I have no idea.
The other good thing was how I talked to AndrewKeith until 4 a.m. or some nonsense and I don't really remember what we talked about. I can say his full name on here because he always mentions me by name on his diary. So fair's fair.
I like that dude. He's pretty nutso.
Sneaky Dee's late night with my neighbour because I wanted BEER. And nachos. Obviously. It was pretty fun, if you like that sort of thing. We drank too much though. But then you can talk about everything everything.
I still feel a bit like hibernating. But there's no time for that sort of thing. Too much to do.
Can I just tell you about how little I want to go back to Skydome tonight?
It's very very little.
Luckily it's mere days away until my triumphant return to Saskatoon.
I'm going to go to the lake! And hold a baby!
I have to pick up my bike on the way to work. Hopefully it's still where I left it last week. I've felt kind of stranded without it.
I wish I could just stay home all day again today and work on that dress. I really want it to be as beautiful as it is in my head. Hopefully!
I'm going to try and finish all three maxi-dresses before home-time.
The word maxi-dress is annoying. And it makes dudes uncomfortable, I think.
Pretty sure I'm kind of depressed. But for no good reason and it's annoying me. Which doesn't help things.
Whilst preparing for the orgy scene onset last week I declared "If I have to wear these nudie-things then I'm going to be wearing this robe underneath!"

Yeah, I cropped my face out of the picture because it is honestly one of the worst things I've seen.
It kind of blows my mind how I never get to wear make-up for shoots. I mean, shouldn't I get the star treatment at all times?
Oh right, I'm naturally beautiful. I keep forgetting.