How hard human nature makes it for us to all be decent people.
Oh yes, I am keeping in mind that I am somewhat hormonal. But I frequently am, so it's kind of a moot point, really.
Also, I only made $20 at work tonight which is beyond silly and because it's not a stat holiday I didn't get paid time -and-a-half. Yuck. Especially since I made the BFF's family hurry back to the city to get me to work.
Double yuck.
Got out of the city last night!!!
Made the BFF take me out to the farm with her. Hurrah x 100!
And I was really apprehensive about it, like everything would fall apart if I were away for 24 hours. It didn't seem to. I'm good at quitting worrying though, so it works out.
Spen and I ate a shit-tonne of food and drank some and bonded some and scrabbled some and got worn-out by a 7-year-old some. Pictures and story tomorrow hopefully.
I didn't even take any pictures of the proper farm/cottage because I was too taken with this remarkable thing:

It's very, very wild. And great. And also wonderful and dumb. All of that. And shockingly small inside. It's so epic from the exterior though..

I've decided to convince BFF's parents to adopt me though. They are pretty great. Straight-forward and kind. And her parents are still totally in love which is FUCKED UP and no wonder she's so grossly well-adjusted (most of the time) and everyone seems to genuinely like each other.
Way to set up unrealistic expectations.
Aaaand I left my bike at their house and after work I went to pick it up and found it completely tuned up and oiled. WTF? So thaaat's why people have dads...
no but I was pretty thankful, but I'm definitely moving in, they have tonnes of room so no worries...
You know what though, the part in Superbad where Michael Cera sings "These Eyes" is one of the funniest moments around.
Also, Break It To Them Gently is such a hilarious, epic song. It's so intense.
I'd like to be able to recreate my mother's Random Rock mixed tapes sometime. I'm pretty close, I bet.
Haha Dollface just called from purgatory, er (there's your scrabble word, Spen), Ottawa, and we talked for like an hour. Time apart is too much for us really.