Something tells me that I was tired.
Been onset for the past few days!!! Yes, I know that you know that already. But still!
Super fun party time. Realized it's the first feature set I've been on. And the first set where there was a solid group of 20-somethings to bond with. I kind of wish I hadn't liked everyone so much.. it was really hard to leave yesterday.
Especially knowing that some of them get to hang next week without me. Sigh.
It was awesome working with my friend, which was great considering my slight worry about it. But I think I love her even more after this. Which is great.
And I'm pretty heart-broken to not get to spend mass amounts of time with the rest of the cast anymore. Even the crew were neat-o. Loved especially the hair and make-up and the wardrobe people. And the AD who shared his booze, of course.
I was the first one wrapped yesterday and it was my final day on set and they called me down to the set for a minute and then everyone came out and they said "That's a picture wrap on Meredith" and then everyone clapped and I almost cried. And then everyone was all "we'll miss you" and other gay junk like that just to make me feel sadder and make it harder for me not to cry.
Here's the cast waving good-bye to me

Aw man guys. So ready to be a working actor. All The damn time.
Gotta go for lunch with some peeps. And then go to Value Village maybe!
Because I got my tax return. And want to buy something pretty to wear for when I come home on friday(!!!). So obviously Value Village is the best choice.