I kind of regret not going. But whatevers.
You can't party all the time.
Oh wait.
Yes you can. Just try harder.
Oh yeah, btw, one of my very favourite friends is doing the lead in this docudrama movie that I'm shooting this month! How fun for us! Except my part is very easy and small and relatively stress-free and her part is extensive and intensive so many she was scared by my "PARTY ALL THE TIME SET PARTY YEAAAHHHH" text message.
I'm not going to bother her while she's working.
Also, she's been a successful, working actor for years, since she was a kid, and she's known me for all of this time where I have been just starting out. Maybe she thinks being on set will be strange for us. I am mostly just excited though. I'm hoping for Fun Times and that sort of business.
Also, found out I'm doing four days on it so YEAH HUH that means maybe I will make some dollar dollar bills and you'll be very excited for me not dying on the street that soon. Maybe.
Had Sneaky Dee's hats-on brunch times with some skate kids I found in the road, they bought hats from Honest Ed's for 60 cents. Sexy timez.

oh hi freckles

There was a duck-billed platypus there;

a teen heart-throb;

and just a regular good-times man wanting to enjoy his coffee in peace.

Is is terrible that I've eaten at Sneaky Dee's three times this week? Yes. Probably definitely.
And good-god-damn do I like the guacamole exquisito! So delicious like you can pretend that it's a salad except for all that sour cream piled on the top I came nowhere near finishing it this morning and now I wish I had those left-overs right now.
I trolled around some dollar stores for awhile this afternoon. I've over-shopped the two on College and I know them too well, never surprised by their wares.
I'm so glad there's not a dollarama right by my house because I would be in deep shit. Deep deep piles of $1 shit and everyone would be like "why do you own this?" and I'd be like "Because it cost ONE DOLLAR!!!"
bad news scene
Okay too many possible parties not enough concrete party times tonight where will be the funnest? Who knows!!!
Where my party people at, yo?
Dinner first, I'm sure that'll lead to party town. Right? Yes.