Thanks again, Barbara Gowdy.
I'm not actually very good at talking about other people's problems. I tell people what to do too often and I don't have enough of a filter. Between what I think and what actually needs to be said.
I also always think I'm right.
Oh, who doesn't
Booked my trip home to Saskatoon. Luckily, since it's less than two weeks away. Craaaazy. I'm not even home sick yet. This is awesome.
August 22nd to Sept. 2nd party time.
Just enough to to We-Are-Many-fest, lake, party, party, bond, party, drink tea, then leave.
Back here in time to figure out what the hell I'm going to wear to go hang out at film fest.
I want to make some dresses. We'll see if that actually happens (nope).

OMG got my mum the best birthday present today. I wish that she didn't read this so that I could post it for you. It's ever-so-pretty and yet completely useful. Which is exactly what my mother is about.
Maybe I'll just keep it. I wish I could justify buying one for myself.
Actually... maybe I can. After I get real paid at least.
I really don't know why I like it so much, but I do. And I'm trying to think who else I know could use one. Pretty much every fancy lady. Haha that gave you a wrong idea of what it is.
I've also built it up now! Now no matter what it is it won't measure up to mother's expectations! perfect!
Shit, I went to upload pictures of it to post to my other journal that no one reads but then I realized that even if I set it to private on my flickr my mother would still see it because I think she's still logged into my flickr as me. Hell. Good thing I remembered that.
Got the internet is a complicated landscape.
I'm trying to clear out the junk from my home. I'm trying to not buy useless shit anymore. And especially trying to get rid of anything junky/plastic. I threw out my crappy dish rack because it was ugly. Now I don't have one and that's for the best. Just my favourite red tray and a pretty tea towel. And I threw out the plastic juice jug and bought a glass one. Need more glass containers. Red glass especially I want.
I also need a pretty kettle (red or maybe green) and some cast-iron frying pans (I'm tired of eating teflon!) and I need a pretty pot to keep my wooden spoons and things in.
Housewares are pretty much the grown-up equivalent of school supplies.
Did some laundry today! Now if only I would get around to putting it away and cleaning things up around here...
I went to the cheese store that's less than two blocks from my house for the first time today. I'm pretty sure the brie I got sold is not good. Like verging on mouldy. Gross. I haven't tried it yet. But I did eat close to a log of goat's cheese. And it was good.
Downloading a shit-load of Patsy Cline. That sounds good to clean to. We'll see.
Damn I wish Jonathan-Cat hadn't left. There's nothing lonely than apartment freshly empty of kitten.

this is my neighbour's cat. to make me feel a bit better. click on the photos to see all of it. yes.