hey yourself there lil guy.
oh yeah yesterday bff and i had brunches at aunties and uncles restaurant in the heart of beautiful downtown toronto.
I saw Matt Murphy of Flashing Lights and I like Flashing Lights a lot because the first (only, I guess. that's funny that I wouldn't first think 'only') time I made out with one certain babe who fully broke my heart right before I moved here from Saskatoon years ago, he was wearing a Flashing Lights t-shirt and I made out with him in his room for hours and traced the band's name, the lettering on his chest and dreaded how I had to leave him. And dreaded that even if I wasn't leaving, he still wouldn't be with me proper.
This story would be sadder if that dude wasn't still one of my favourite people and friends. And if Flashing Lights weren't a rad band.
Geezus, Aunties, could you be more delicious?

I brought a slew of sunglasses for Spenny to try on and to keep whichever ones she'd like because she's the bff. And when people care about each other, they can give each other things. Like, for instance, backpacks. Or even luggage.
You didn't know I collect sunglasses? Well, I do. Maybe because for years I couldn't find any to suit my tiny face. Now I have way, way too many. And I constantly buy more. Stupid Value Village with your $1 glasses. And stupid Kensington, with your $5 bargains.

These are rad. I have yet to find someone who they suit though..

I still have no idea why I bought these. I've never worn them.

She took these ones, which I thought she might, and these next ones, which I actually bought specially in case she wanted them..

It's a mystery to both of us why she kept putting her hands up like that for the photos.
One man at my work calls mystery shoppers "mysterious shoppers" and I can't help but picture them all as femme fatales with red lipstick and head scarves wrapped to almost cover their faces, or wide-brimmed hats or a sheet of black hair covering their eyes..
She was so mysterious...
she made me lose my job
but I'd still follow her anywhere...
Speaking of mysterious!

Who the hell sent me this? From Saskatoon. With the inital 'C' (possible 'L'?)?
Who did it!!!
It's kind of creepy a little bit.
JTT-TTC caught a mouse! And left it (dead) on the carpet for me to come home to. Hurrah! Good work, little guy.
I keep trying to make Jonathan do things that would be suitable for LOLcat-ing but he's just so sweet and deadpan, it's pretty disappointing.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Jonathan is the best cat ever.
Not that I don't love Rerun and Adventure Cat above all else. And maybe even Cactus and Pansy too.. but they are all quite flawed of cats. Even Adventure is wild beyond her means...
Whereas Jonathan is pretty much perfect.
His main flaw is that he poos when he gets scared.
But then, who doesn't??
That reminds me, I misssss dollface. Holy come home soon already. Jeeeezus.
By which I mean, Happy Marriage, Dollface Sister!!!
I worked at skydome all day and now I have to go work at the theatre centre all night... yay hooray except at least I had a nap this afternoon and also read my book while it rained, with jonathan-cat tangling himself up in my ankles and thumping his tail madly that I would not give the end of the bed up for him to have as his own.