When I got my lip pierced the summer I was 16 (before I even kissed anyone, really) my mum had to come with me and she was a bit annoyed with the whole idea and she said "I made you perfect, I don't know why you have to go messing around with it".
kind of true.
But also, I got a picture of a snowflake I drew tattooed on my wrist today!

so... that's cool.
I'm pretty pleased with it!
It's nice that it's something I've thought about for awhile and something I think really suits me and is 100% particular to me.

last night I was idly talking about getting said tattoo as I am wont to do because in the past I talked a lot about doing stuff that I never actually got around to doing. And I said to Onesie, let's go tomorrow!
And I got home and I saw my new roommate (who just arrived on Friday from Germany and who doesn't have a nickname yet because I haven't discussed it with her yet and she's super sweet) and I mentioned to her about the tattoo and she was like "I really wanted to have roommate time tomorrow" so we agreed we should all go and get me a tattoo!

I drew it this morning. I combined two of our favourites that I'd drawn in the past. I'm pretty into it. (thankgod)
and it was super lovely to be out with my two beautiful roommates doing something... I don't know. doing something I'd never done before. It was neat.

this morning Onesie made us breakfast. Have you ever tried living with a chef? A chef who is sensitive of your dietary restrictions? I'd recommend it!!

I have roommates! How crazy is that? I have roommates and a tattoo now. When people ask me what's new I have something to say.
Oh yeah, also, I got into the Second City conservatory training program and I had my first class tonight and I'm super excited! I'm getting back into improv! What a treat!
I did improv a few years ago at Bad Dog and did a couple of shows and stuff and I liked it but you have to be kind of pushy about getting what you want and I've always lacked confidence about pretty much everything (you may not believe this because I am bossy and loud and rude and a know-it-all, but it's true).
so now I'm getting back into it. with new confidence. and a desire to really get great at it.
and I'm in a class with actually talented people. Not to be an asshole here, but... working with talented people is such a treat! So fucking fun. Not having to worry about them and looking forward to seeing what they're bringing and who they'll be and the jokes that'll happen.... fucking fucking fun. Ya know?
I'm going to be so funny!
Actually, I didn't even do that good of a job tonight. I was a bit stilted and in my head and still unused to being back at it. But it was still fun! and I do feel like I have a billion potential in my insides.

Aaaaand then Onesie made me dinner.
What is with this woman?
Honestly, she seems to legitimately like me. And care about me.
How did I end up with an insta-bff for a roommate? Remember how nervous I was?
Last night Onesie told me she was really proud to be out with me. What a lovely thing to say.

chive flower on the top!
We ate the shit out of this (ever had sea asparagus? so good!) and watched Soap.
I'm not saying I'm over the super-sadness that sort of crept through me all last week, but I am saying that, yeah, my life is fucking sweet.

I've taken a gatrillion photos these past few days. but I never turn on the computer. so these are only a few. So many good ones en route though.

these last few are from the island yesterday. What a sweet little vacation spot that little oasis is.
I have several more photos. Obviously. then you'll be extra jealous.

I really, really like the plane in this one.
goodgod I'm tired. And I finally have to go to work tomorrow. After so many days off.
I'm in the market for another job, jfyi (might as well change everything at once), so if you know of anything I may like.... let me know!