Vintage glasswares, some blue-and-white china and I got a billion white and cream sheets and pillow-cases and even a light eyelet comforter. My cloud-bed is going to be fantastic. Get ready for it, babes!

Hahaha I worked the NKOTBSB (hahahaa) concert last night and I yelled, "I gotta go look at the old babes on stage" and my one supervisor was like "but they don't have beards!"
Is it cool to use hashtags not on twitter yet or no? NO.
You know, I really do love the internet, I just haven't much time/patience for it lately.
I'm not as over-the-moon excited about my new place as I have been, but I'm still doing a pretty good job enjoying it, I would say.

Haha, my mother said she had a dream the other night where I called her up to gush about how happy I am in my new place and her response was "well, that's all fine and good, but don't bother calling here again unless you've got something going with the acting".
okay guy.
Working working working working. I know my jobs are super easy, but it's still annoying to have to have jobs, hey?
Especially since this weekend would be perfect for partying all the time. Luckily it's still early in the summer...