
entertaining myself!

I'm blogging from an audition room.
They are way behind schedule!

There are several very beautiful women here. One is exceptionally stunning. It's hard not to feel disheartened since I am medium-good-looking and have purple hair.
(it's not that purple anymore... Still too dark though)

I'm busy reassuring myself that this girl is prettier than Claire Danes in My So-Called Life, but I'd never want to see her do that part.
Almost makes sense.

My house is still amazing. We're all pretty happy I think. Having our first party tomorrow night. You can come (unless you're even slightly a creeper)!

I have so much to do before tomorrow night and we're running out of time. And both Onesie and I have been at work so much.... I have this evening, though-- if they ever let me out of here, that is.
The theme is: Our Easy Birthdays
Not that I'm saying my household is easy but that's what I'm saying.

This is the first year I've not payed attention to NXNE at all.. I haven't posted my recommends or even mentioned it. Maybe next year. I still like band guys, so don't worry!!!