Everything still feels really new but also old and familiar already. I'm ignoring my old life. That's how I get on with things, right?
I still feel very much like I'm off at sleep-away camp and that this is going to end in the near future. I'm feeling really good about things, I mean.
I hope this continues until I'm just comfortable here and not sad about how things were.
Remember how a few months ago I was like "maybe I want roommates" and everyone was like "yeah, right"?
and now I have roommates. that's weird.
I'm famous (to me) for getting prematurely nostalgic about everything and even regular nostalgic. I really only like things that are familiar and cozy. So hopefully this just becomes that before the happy glow of newness fades away.

I still have lines from the pillows on my face.

Oh, what a lovely room I have.
I haven't really been home much this weekend. Not at all. Working working partying working. I'm looking forward to spending tomorrow in the park with the dog and then lying around a bit in my room and hopefully doing some more organizing and putting things together.
We're officially having a party on Saturday night we decided, so I'd like for it to look half-decent for all my guests! Yeeeah, motivation!

I'm actually over-tired right now and I should be asleep (I worked two jobs today like a real adult) but it's too lovely to be hanging out in my bed in my room working on the internets.

Onesie fully agreed with me on how I look better in photos than real life. No, what I mean is that I photograph well.
And I do think it's true that my personality and loud-mouth sometimes can really distract from my medium-beautiful features.
Probably true of most of us. But extra me.
Also, everyone really really likes my cackle-laugh and doesn't find it awful at all. So that's good.

Remind me that in the morning I'm going to make a smoothie!