I have a blog still?
Oh, cool, I just wasted two hours! Neat!
I had cornpops for breakfast and now it's definitely time for cookies and tea. Don't worry I'm going to make a snack platter later that will be very healthy. or medium healthy. We'll see.

my hairs have calmed down in colour, I know you were worried about it. It's even lighter now.

1. eggs
2. almond milk
3. babes
4. bananas
5. smoothies
Nah, I haven't been babin' around too bad or nothing. Just eating bananas and yelling a lot.
And discussing things rationally with other humans like grown-ups.
Kind of fun.
One babe said "I'm getting tired of this knitting circle type business, where everything gets discussed and picked over"
and I said, "that's because you do things you're not proud of"
which was only half true, probably.
some people are not business-discussers.
I am, though. Straight up. By relating my situations to my best pals, I get a way better sense of how I actually feel about it. I get a better sense of what's a normal reaction,
Firehorse just got back from his trip to Brazil (he was shooting something but let's not pretend it wasn't somewhat of a vacation). He brought us flip-flops!

Pretty nice.

Okay, yeah most of these photos are from the island. Onesie and I went last week together and it was so hot in the city and then we got out there and it got quite, quite chilly.
We brought so much food it was unreal (lives revolve around food) and we ate the shit out of it. So delicious.

Onesie is easy to be with. I know I've said that before, but it is very true.

We made okay friends with a goose and two ducks. A duck couple. The man duck let the lady duck eat most of the food. Guess she needed it more. They were totally cool.
Good thing Violet wasn't there, she would have said "ew, sick".
They came so close!

My room is like a little haven. It's really quite quiet in here. I mean, I can here them talking and laughing in the living room a bit, but it feels completely separate.

I bought these frames with the green paper and watercolour paper already in them and so I drew some herbs. I like it!
this is the kind of thing I like to do. To get to show off. I like making things around the house and then people come by and say "oh wow, did you make this? it's lovely."
alllll for the praise. But then, what else is there?

I made my mum's specialty macaroni and cheese casserole last night for dinner but most of my (billion) roommates were out and so I made Carla Ghee come over and we had wine and dinner by candlelight on the deck with Onesie and listened to the Amelie soundtrack and Carla Ghee said "this is what I dreamed my life would be like".
Me too.
(I promise you it wasn't burnt like it looks really.)
Later on some nice young men came over and I made them eat it too! I love when you offer guests a snack and they take it! Also, one of the nice young men spent a long time admiring my kitchen with me. HA! trying to win my friendship, I see!
Also, earlier yesterday after grocery shopping our heads off, Onesie and I (mostly Onesie, as I was busy freezing strawberries and making refrigerator pickles) made the most insanely amazing snack platter ever.

Honestly, Onesie and I would make the best wives. If only we could narrow focus if you know what I'm saying.

Firehorse just took these photos with his fancy camera and it's a cruel reminder of how my phone really doesn't do things justice... What a fucking lovely house, though.
Goddamn, I need to update more because this is all over the place balls bananas I have too much to say. Plus lots of other stuff keeps happening and I have people over every day and I have my first improv show on Wednesday (WTF!?)
I have a few days off in a row right now but it already feels busy with improv stuff and socializing stuff and I'm planning on going to the cottage with my new roommate this weekend....