by a bit I mean extremely.
this life is very very very fun I know I keep saying that but it's still true. there's still a lot of drama, though. and ups and downs. And both Onesie and I have decided to lay off the sauce for the next little bit.
this is the wisest move because we over-indulged this weekend and we both have things we'd like to get done both domestically and creatively.
(also, as a quick shout-out, Onesie cleaned basically the entire fucking giant house last night for hours while I was out at ikea and I cannot believe how much work she did and it was fucking amazing.)

(click through to see this bigger, I used autostitch app to get our entire top deck which has an unreal view!)
I'm hoping to spend some time this week decorating, crafting, arranging, painting, writing, reading, and watching the shit out of netflix on the flatscreen in our living room.
Last night Onesie and I watched the first four episodes of Soap (one of my very all-time favourite shows) and ate chocolate with seasalt and snacked around and cuddled up on our comfy couch/papasan and relaxed like there was no tomorrow. So sweet.

Also, when I got home from ikea we made salsa and virgin bloody marys and sat on the (newly cleaned!) top deck and enjoyed that last bit of sun.

oh yeah, here is the dawn after the party. everyone had left at this point, it was just me up on the roof.

it was really fucking lovely and I tried to make a video expressing how happy I was at that moment but it turned out suuuuuper dumb (surprisingly!) and is too embarrassing to post.
here is a sweet outtake, though!
the day after the party Onesie and I could barely walk or move around properly and we went to Golden Turtle and laughed for a billion years.

she really wanted me to take her photo.

we went to the park afterward which is a bit silly when you want to avoid seeing people you know because you're too out of it for interacting. whoops.

bdwf invited us to an MMVA after-party that my favourite motown cover band, Arkells, were playing at (jk they are good when they do they're own shit too!)

but we were so tired.
it was a super struggle to get up and at 'em for going out again. we may or may not have lay around whining for a good while. god, our lives are tough!

I had a lot of fun at the party when we finally got there, though!
I danced and danced!
bopped around like a little gremlin, mostly!

thank god I took such good and extensive pictures of this event. what would we have done without my coverage?
ugh. I apologize for even posting these pictures but I need some visuals. hahaa dayna's going to make fun of me.
It was nice to see those babes from Arkells again, I have to stop being so rude to DanGriff (at least to his face) something about him just begs it from me, though! I may have called him an asshole at least twice and told him I missed his long locks. Classssssic.
I am 12.
He has a really lovely and sort of delicate new song that you can listen to and download!
I like the park where he says sort of like, "wooohoo" in it.

I posted about how you can screw a reg mason jar into your blender base instead of the jug and it's lead to an extennnnnsive fb conversation that is murdering me because it's so funny!

anyway, I think this is a genius thing to know about since this household drinks out of mason jars anyway and we all like our smoothies a bit different.
hahahahaaaa oh god.
okay. I need off the computer. even though I never spend time on it anymore. still. I hope I get to watch more Soap tonight. it's kind of the best.