It's raining!
Oh, right as I wrote that it stopped, I think. Sort of.
I have to work outside at the soccer pitch today so I would very much not mind it if it cleared up. especially because I'm going to bike. And then high-tail it over to Hoops right afterward, of course!

hahahaa stupid tired face. Tea on the deck yesterday morning and my roommates and I had a very, very hard time getting away from there. It sucks you in. Vitamin D forever and ever.

I feel so, so much like I am at a cottage. It's several things. Living out of bags, feeling at home not at home, the decks, multiple activities, people to share tea and food with, beers in the sun, wearing moomoos while hanging out, all the trees surrounding the kitchen deck...
Yep. Still pretty into my new place.

I love decorating and entertaining! What a treat! People around to take care of and get things for and bring tea to.
Obviously the bloom is going to come off that rose at some point but until then! Let's just smile around, ya know?
(probably sooner rather than later, as I am generally not that nice.)

This is my other roommate, Onesie. She only owns onesies. No, not really, she owns other clothes I think?
She was wearing an all-khaki outfit the other night. I like that a lot.
I also like Onesie a lot. It's super bizarre moving in with people you've never met and there's lotssss of people I'm not too keen on. It's relieving to me that Onesie seems pretty top-notch.
She likes babes a lot. And is very straightforward about stuff. Things I like.

this guy hasn't got a nickname yet. Still thinking on it. He doesn't live here. Only almost.

Getting a wicked sunburn.. sort of on purpose?
At this point I was lying around on the deck after drinking one tall can in the sun and being unable to get moving in any way, shape, or form. I had my 45 spf on though, obviously.

Onesie's also a chef, which is the best. It is extra the best because she has friends who are also gluten-free and she was vegetarian for a long time, so sort of gets my dietary restrictions and we've had a few good conversations about stuff.
Also, we've had some great talks about ALL THE FOOD WE CAN COOK FOREVER!
Goddamn the deliciousness we have planned and I'm so looking forward to learning how to make stuff!
I'm a pretty good cook, but I have a limited repertoire and would be very excited to learn a bunch more stuff and try new things.
We're going to make the best mayonnaise ever. And hummus, and have dueling guacamoles.
I wish she weren't leaving in two months and taking her food processor with her. hahaaah maybe I will buy one!
She's going on a chef's training tour of the country, spending a month in each province/territory and learning with different chefs. She's going to be in Saskatoon for a month, so you'll have to befriend her if you're there.
Pretty sure we're going to host a lovely afternoon clothing swap with dainties (if you're not from Saskatoon, that's a word for tiny pastries and treats, not undergarments like it maybe sounds like), snacks, and cocktails. We may or may not sun ourselves on the deck afterward.
I hope lovely ladies come over and we wear sundresses and shit.
I'm gearing up to be the best hostess ever and to be the best wife ever.
Just kidding, best mum only. Medium-good wife.
Medium-good wife who is very lazy in bed.

Hahaaahahaha Violet is so sick of me mentioning The Good Wife whenever she talks about lawyer stuff.
Sorry dude, it's just my way of relating to you.
Actually, I got to hang with Violet twice yesterday. She has a break from lawyering for the next bit and I'm very happy to have her around. I wish she weren't going away for the whole summer, but.... you know.

It's super weird how far away everything is in here. You know how many places there are to lose things? ONE BILLION.
Especially since things are still a massive disaster around here.
It's possible for me to now miss phone calls or lose bags of candy. So bizarre. Also I had to talk myself out of my desire for more tea as it was too far away.
I've taken to running from the kitchen which is at the back of the house, to my room at the front of the house. It just takes too long otherwise! Don't worry, it's quiet running.

I'm forsure the mum of the house. Which is alright and will hopefully stay alright.
The people here before us were (obviously) huge assholes and the neighbours hated them and I'd like to be nice to our neighbours, and not be hated.
It's a bit hard because our place just BEGS people to come over and hang out. Why have a deck the size of a tennis court if we can't party on it?
Why have 2.5 balconies unless we can have people on all three. Oh god, we're the worst.
We had maybe a dozen people over last night after the bars and it felt like nothing (to us, probably not to our neighbours). So much space, so many places to hang out. So fun.
I did a lot of shushing, though. And I don't want everyone to hate me for being the downer. But.. ya know.

If you think I'm not building a snowfort/igloo on the kitchen deck in the wintertime you are sorely, sorely mistaken.
Onesie's mum brought us a lilac bush! How fucking lovely.
I'm going to re-pot it and keep it forever. I hope Onesie doesn't think she's taking it with her.

And Violet brought over a bottle of wine! Niiiice.
I'm never moving out of this house.
My plan is to live here with roommates for a couple of years during which time I will meet the biggest babe of all time of my life who I will then set up a life with here and have kids and we'll be rich and have a guest bedroom and my mum can come and stay for months at a time. And the babies can ride their tricycles around on the deck. PERFECT.
I hope my future-babe likes my mum. Just kidding, everyone likes my mum. I'm more worried about him liking me. I'm the mean one!
All this week I've only slept for 6 hours a night. That's not like me. But I have too much too much too much going around and around and around in my head. I'm sure it'll calm down right away here.
Norman is super adorable sometimes and last night he was like "you're my good buddy and I'm here for you I know this is a big change for you" and that was so nice.
Then he put his mustache on my face and said "does it feel like a chinchilla??"