
just a little purple crocus, yeah?

I hate when Easter comes around because for some reason (even after 7 years) I never remember the wave of homesick that's about to hit.
Not even Thanksgiving compares (ugh, turkey). It's Easter that always makes me so ridiculously sad to not be with all my wonderful, wonderful family.

I guess I am super ridiculously lucky to have family that I miss so much that it makes me break out into hysterical sobbing. RIGHT?
No, I do realize that I've lived a charmed life and that almost no one has a family that they get along with in the same way that I do with mine.

Homesick, man.

these pictures are from a couple of years ago. Why I'm not there now.. I have no good reason. So lovely, though. And this baby is now a tiny child, a child who hardly knows me (seems unfair).
reflection of the clouds in Eagle Creek. (takemehome takemehome)

I feel a bit like I'm looking through photos of an ex-boyfriend, of a relationship past.
Pretty close.

Maybe to you it looks brown and grey and uninteresting and not exiting, but I have to say, Eagle Creek is one of our home-bases. Its tall hills and hidden coves in bluffs of trees, its big rocks for sitting on and its bridge for climbing.... hard to explain if you can't come with us. But if you ever have an opportunity, I hiiiighly recommend. 

My mum and my little baby cousin. Growing up so big and I'm not even there for it. Oh sigh, oh sigh.

Also, happy birthday to my aunt! I love you very, very much. And even more importantly, I think you're straight-up funny and wonderful.
no joke.

from my cousin's blog:
"P.S. Meredith, don’t be too angry with me for posting about it. Snide FB comments aside, you were missed the whole time we were there. I thought of you every time I took a picture of something and I wanted to share."
fresh sadness. in the best possible way.
except why can't I be in both places? make my life go in a direction that makes this possible.

these photos I just stole from her blog. Because that's what I'm like.

Please get some crocuses for me?
You'll get my undying devotion in return?
good deal.

I'm so happy these days with Toronto and with my bestfriends who are actually remarkable. I'm just homesick as well.
I'm lucky.
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