
time passes, apparently

I went by White Squirrel the other day for a coffee when I was walking Kaya and the owner used to be one of the owners of Aunties, and you know how I feel about Aunties (home) and so I was saying "hi how are you" to him and he asked me if I was still making zines.
Strange how time passes and I don't do things that used to be so ingrained in who I was... Not that making tiny magazines and forcing my friends into reading them was who I was, but it was definitely an interesting passtime.
It gave me the first real excuse to take photos and the self-imposed deadline I needed to actually get stuff written. Also, it made me feel like a real writer for the first time.

anyway. time passes, things change. I should write more. Broken record.

Carla Ghee came up with calling her line-up of babes her Roster.
on a scale of 1 to 10 how jealous am I that I didn't come up with this? 100% jealous.

She is into deciding if people are on or off the roster and speaks of "bringing one up from the minors".

My roster is fairly calmed down these days. I have a few crushes but nothing to go bananas over. No one really stepping up to the plate.

Though, I have to say, the lack of romance in my life is astounding.
I'm not expecting candles and flowers and picnics by the sea but JESUS CHRIST how about texting before 3 a.m.?

Ha. I mean, even if I have no interest in dating you I would still like the common courtesy of being asked out for a drink if you are interested in hanging out at all. Or even just being contacted prior to last call. God, I am so demanding. 
ha. It is a fine line, though, hey?
Anything casual is a super difficult situation to wrangle. I go through phases where I think it could be a good idea.. and also not.
Needs both parties to not care enough and care enough. Be comfortable enough.. Nearly impossible to work out, I think.

It'd be nice to go on a date someday. But who am I kidding?

Haaa, man, first world problems, hey?

I'm definitely using this blog entry to avoid looking at the scripts I have open waiting for me to make them perfect.
I didn't go out tonight. Came home after work. Totally the rain's fault. Which is just fine. Maybe I could get into a one-night-in one-night-out pattern?
Yeah right.

I was thinking I'd only go home one time before Christmas (the past couple of years I've been going every 4 months or so) but now I'm getting to the homesick part and I'm not sure that just one visit is the best plan.

Give me prairie fields, give me redberry lake, give me rains that you can see coming for miles.
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