
it is a woodshed

Whoops. Not a good updater lately.

I worked all weekend! So much working. Pretty smooth, pretty good mood maintained.

Something happened near the end of last season at the dome. I went into last season with nothing but pure fury for that place and a plan to get out of it as soon as possible.
But instead I worked the whole season, obviously. And somewhere along the line I started to calm down about hating and got back to realizing it's a pretty easy job, if you don't let the little stuff get to you. And there is a lot of little stuff.
And I started having fun there again. and I'm working hard on not complaining about stuff and letting stuff go and dancing around and making fun of customers. It makes my life 100% better.

And lately I've gotten back to being really good at customer service, really good at making stupid jokes with customers, and therefore am making good money and also having some pretty fun laughs.
ugh, sick. I'm grossing myself out right now. Working is soooo funnnnn. gross.

Anyway, yeah.

I bought grey jeans on Sunday. By accident because I needed change for the streetcar so I went into Winners and then ended up buying 3 things because you should not go shopping with a pocket full of tips. Bad news. But everything I got is wonderfullllllll.
Especially these jeans which aren't jeans really, more like leggings because they're so stretchy but they come up high enough over my wide hips and aren't the tightest ever and are flattering and suuuuuper comfortable. I haven't had a pair of jeans I wanted to wear in about 2 years maybe. No exaggerating.
Plus they were only $20 so leave me alone.

I think about this graffiti in the Dot washroom a lot. I don't know why I think it's funny but I do.

Went to a party in a garage in an alley after Dot last night. How can I say no to that sort of thing?
I can't.
People were playing guitar and singing and it was kind of lovely. A bit how do you say? ah yes, too much, sometimes. But that's how it's supposed to go at 4 a.m. in an alley.
also, one bud who was singing is a super remarkable singer/guitar player so that was an actual kind of treat. 
My strategy with partying forever afterhours is to not keep drinking too bad. Genius. By the time I wandered home at 5:30ish I was pretty much sober and that was just fine.
Also means that I'm not hungover. Which means I can party forever every day.

When I got home I FaceTimed with Dollface who is in Asia right now. So crazy! FaceTime! We could see each other's faces and talk to each other!
I'd never actually gotten around to facetiming until then so it was a nice introduction. We made some good jokes.
Some jokes you can't say in emails or texts.

I saw Cpt. Heh for the first time in forever the other day and he brought me gluten-free cookies. Maybe everyone should miss me so much that they bring me treats. Right? Rrrrright?

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