
mont real

I'm in Montreal right now. I am about to put on some very funny nails which I bought at the dollar store so I can't talk much.
Also I have to make both nachos aaaaand sangria, so you can see how challenging and overwhelming my life is!

I had an eeeasy relaxing megabus journey over. I slept most of the way and I had both seats to myself on the top floor a double-decker which was pretty right-on.
If only my co-worker the night before hadn't told me about how a megabus in the states had gone off route and tried to under an underpass it couldn't clear and as a result many people died.
I was a bit nervous. But not nervous enough not to sleep the entire time.

Yeah, so been hanging out with Carlos and Lettie and probably going to keep doing that, pretty much. Should probably get around to actually seeing some "sights". We'll see.

If you know of anything suuuuuper fun going on in Montreal in the next few days you should let us know because we'd be interested.

Carlos and I had beers on the front balcony yesterday afternoon! Yeah, front balcony. Because there are two balconies at this place. Outrageous.

In a bit here I am going to drink this "Y Rage" energy drink which I purchased at the dollar store. Wish me luck. I may also put vodka in it. WHO KNOWS.

okay byeee more later I'm sure at some point.
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