
complainte pour ste. catherine

Wrapping up my trip to Montreal now.

I'm at Santropol eating this salad:

It is very good. It's like nachos but also a salad with chili. Why not? I'm not going to eat the croutons so if you are in the neighbourhood you have half an hour to get over here and eat them.

We didn't really party to the moon too badly, which is kind of alright. I'd say this trip has been more relaxing than partying. Oh, and eating.
I slept a lot. Lettie had an extra double bed for Carlos and I to share and goddamn it was comfortable. Suuuper soft but not too soft and big and I just slept forever and ever.
Also my attic is super bright and so I'm used to feeling a bit guilty about sleeping past noon because I can forsure tell what time it is the moment I even begin to wake up. Not this room, though, quite dark and easy to sleep your life away in. In a good way.

I'm glad I slept in today though because I'm taking the bus back basically overnight. I felt like since I always sleep in transit it might as well be at regular sleeping hours. But it probably won't be suuuper relaxing..

I feel like being a good sleeper is a good skill and valuable. I plan on continuing to hone this skill and value it.
I find thinking about nice things and having a tiny self-satisfied smug smile on my face always helps me fall asleep.
Also just catching on to any images that are floating around in my head and following them where, not letting my rational thoughts get in the way of the images becoming events which become dreams. Ya know?

I have nothing exciting to write in private blog from this weekend. Ya know, I didn't even see that many sweet beardy-longhairs. And all the ones I did see were with beautiful ladies.
Ladies with natural-coloured hairs and messy ponytails and effortless outfits and slouchy boots and lazily-slung backpacks.
Confidence, man, confidence is the number one sexiest thing.
Oh, and being good-looking.

and then humour.
We went to see some Sunday night improv last night on Ste. Catherine and there was one guy who was sooo appealing because of how much energy he had and how strong and funny he was. Sigh.

I should probably start doing improv again, hey? OBVIOUSLY.

Carlos is gone back to Saskatoon now and Lettie has her final final tomorrow and so I'm on my own this evening, which is rather nice.

I'm going to hang out for a bit here and finish internetting and then I'm thinking I'll wander around then maybe go see Daydream Nation.
Anyone seen this? It sounds like nothing if not up-my-alley and I'll look to like and hopefully have fun.
I'm not that hard to please (lies).

I'm missing all my Toronto buds. Does that sound nutso? Probably. I got a series of texts at around 4 a.m. the other night (luckily they didn't wake Carlos!) from Norman, Carla Ghee, and Firehorse who were all partying to the moon forever without me. (one included the phrase "suck a dick" which I'm not sure if that was intended to be rude or not...)
Whatever, guys, I party with you every day alright.

But I will be glad to be getting back to Hoops for the playoffs. hahaha who am I!

Hey look, my Bud at the Chinatown dinner we were at late last night was a Canucks fan:

right on.

Oh, I've also seen a buttload of hot dads (or DILFs as Lettie won't stop saying haaaa gross). Do I have to move here to find hot babes to have babies with me? hmmmm? 
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