we eat candies all day in the park!
Oh yes yes so we had the first screening of Hey, George at WWS this afternoon. Luckily we have jobs we are able to get out of/are underemployed so there ended up being a crew of us there. In a nice way.
Since our director was the only director there he got to do the Q&A solo except then he made the mistake of pointing out how me and my co-star, Tanner, were also there (the interviewer said "I believe these two are a real couple, are they a real couple?) and so we got to go up too!
I secretly (not secretly) love interviews and attention so I was perfectly happy to go up. Got a bunch of praise (which, of course, they have to give, but still) and answered some questions. Funtimez!
Me and Tanner are not a real couple. But we did go to college together/have known each other for six+ years so there is an element of complete comfort/love around us. Uh huh.

Oh yeah before then JL and I went to Aunties for brunch and I had an eggwhite omelet I don't care what they think of me or what happens later.
It was nice. JL is doing well, I think.
He is still tall. I am still overly-small.

I took these pictures while we were walking. Obviously! My 77 cent umbrella from Honest Ed's is amazing and worth every 77 cent.

this one is perfect in so many ways:

Love it.
After the screening we got lead to a "happy hour" that was happening in one of the university buildings where there was a bit of a party including free drinks (!)

Tanner went through my camera and deleted a bunch of pictures of himself he deemed unattractive. Sometimes you only get partial-faces that way.
There are so many unattractive pictures of me in this world. Luckily. Balances out all this bullshit hot-shots 'round here.

I took some party shots

(my hair looks thick for once in my life!)

Mrs is so cute!

Not JL he is a photo-spoil-sport.

and I took my camera up this awesome flight of stairs to do a photoshoot by myself.

then people kept passing by while I tried to nonchalantly pretend that I wasn't taking stupid self-timer pictures of myself. ughghh embarrassing to be me, gotta tell you!

hey you can see my tiny-face in this one if you look closely:

just what I was aiming for I am a master artist.
We had to cut out of that to get to a rehearsal - yeah, here's a good tip: be working on something else awesome while you have a screening at a festival because then the world feels awesome like your oyster filled with PEARLS.
You should come to our screening on Saturday because there's a couple of other shorts in our program that are top-notch. For real. The first one especially I am very much looking forward to seeing again. So beautiful.
Plus, with shorts they go so quickly, it'll be nice to have a second viewing of them. For me, at least.
Except the one I hated. That will try my patience again.
Right, right.
After rehearsal we headed back and managed to rush-line-it into the program tonight that was a special Laugh Sabbath/World Wide Shorts night.
So fun!
I am an obvious Laugh Sabbath (especially Let's Get Hot) fan, so I was glad to see this program. Basically all of my favourite Toronto comics in short films! Plus some stand-up! Plus some appetizers!
The curator of the festival remembered me from A Small Thing which screened at WWS two years ago (she insisted one, but it must be two years now. it must.) and she gave us some drink tickets! So nice!
I've pretty much friended Chris Locke and Nathan Fielder, which pretty much makes my day as I find them a little too funny. I know I've posted videos of theirs on here before, but you should listen when I tell you about how good they are.
this is one of the shorts (that I paid good money to see and you can see for free right now embeded on my blog!) that killed me tonight. So great.
okay okay okay okay okay
Basia Bulat into Beachhouse into Beastie Boys -- recently played in order of artist. kind of perfect.
Clipse coming up what happened to that boy
uh huh uh huh
oh god so tired forever.