
spock was always my favourite (in fact I claimed he was my father for awhile there)

This is for Accost! And me, because I love old Star Trek. I think Accost prefers new Star Trek, but still. This is worth watching. So well put together! Who has this kind of time?
(I still hate that song though) 

Today I just felt too homesick but then I realized, hey, I get to go home on Saturday!

I feel a bit like summer hasn't actually started because I haven't been back to Saskatoon yet. But when I get back summer basically will be half over! It goes so fast!

Saskatoon always goes so quickly too quick to take.
And it always stresses me out.

Cpt. Heh is now my neighbour! Perfect!
I took advantage of this tonight by going over to hang out with him for a little minute on his front stoop which is on Bathurst. Then Niki came by, too. Then a group of people I know walked by on their way to Dance Cave (ahahaahaaaaaa) and when they told us this, I laughed so hard!
Awww man, Dance Cave. I wish I had had the energy to go along with them. A group of late-20s/early-30s on a Thursday night at Dance Cave. Wow.
I have been in the market for a sweet 19 year-old babe!

Okay I have to go to bed so that tomorrow I can run errands, pack, clean, brunch and possibly even square-dance!