holy holy I am so ridiculously tired that in between comedy acts tonight I almost fell asleep. I feel like I've been angling for a nap for around a year. I keep lying down for 10 minutes and then it just makes me feel even more exhausted.
Except it's only been a few days. And I get to fucking sleep the fuck in tomorrow.
Being busy suits me and doesn't suit me.
On account of the whole needing-time-alone thing that I have.
But I also cannot bear the idea of people having fun without me, so I obviously go out too much.
Luckily I am still young and energetic and LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST. or some other bullshit.
And it's cooled down outside. Which I fully appreciate. August can have this kind of heat, but it's June! I want June freshness!
So soon that I go to Saskatoon! ooohhh I can hardly wait! less than three weeks, which I assume will go by so quick!
oh oh oh oh oh oh yeeah.

(photos from the drake the other night when Raymes and I went to scope babes. Uh huh.)
Yesss anyway, yeah, my second screening went well. And then Mrs and her BF (who is the director of the film and my bud in his own right and he deserves a proper name of his own on here.. but I don't know what it should be) had a yard party.
We got a bit rained-out but stuck it out all huddled around a patio umbrella out back.
So fucking great to sit around talking about projects and getting good feedback and making big plans. Fucking Sigh.

this sculpture (?) was so realistic kind of textured made me feel uncomfortable but it's also awesome. made conversation with some dudes about it while we were waiting for the washrooms. Classic.
Oh, and Violet's convocation was also very fun. I sat in between her parents and they are both So Cute like hard-to-explain-great and her mother and I made a few snarky/funny comments and gossiped. Uh huh.

Can I please get a tattoo/a job where I get paid to draw snowflakes??
Does it mean that I'm getting older when I feel more and more uncomfortable with profanity?

Bee looks badass here, which is fitting since we are rap stars.
Gotta arrange filming of my new talk show; Hot & Cheesy with Meredith Cheesbrough with first special guest, Bee.
Heyyyy you wanna be on my talk show, too?
Are you comfortable if things get hot and/or cheesy??

Why yes, I do want to punch myself in the face pretty often.
Went to comedy tonight with some pals. Rivoli for the 5th anniversary of Let's Get Hot.
Having a good laugh is probably my number one favourite thing to do.
A good fucking belly-laugh-hyperventilating-incredulous laugh. Yeah, that's what I like. A couple of times tonight I was falling-over-laughing. The best.
Is humour not the most attractive thing, also? So dreamy.
But actually.

(me and Raymi went out a bunch last weekend but not this week and I miss her awww she's nice. Soon, I bet. Also she had a post recently that included "meredith is right" and it was about internet dating, so that extra wins-me-over).
You know what's a good thing about me?
I like what I like and when I like something I like it so much.
This extends to friends for certain (not babes as much -- or at least not babes who like me, but that's another can of bananas). But also artists, musicians, authors, locations, ideals, comedians.
I like what I like and I like liking things to stupid degrees. I find it rewarding or something.
I like fully committing to liking something/someone.
I like looking to like and appreciating shit.
Ya know?

haaa dress + glasses
+ dolladolla bills
+ why do I have a smoke?
=seal of approval.
Going to start doing more comedy. I wish I had the patience to become good at something as opposed to splitting focus and never becoming great at anything.
Oh, there's still time!