
horseflies, mosquitos, bees, ants, ticks

pairie road


My sunburn is coming in nicely. Ha, we sat in the sun for hours and hours. Stupid move for pale-faces like me and Carlos. But also super nice. It was very windy at Redberry and despite how it was 30 above it still felt chilly. Saskatchewan is like that, I suppose.
Nice clouds, though.


Went up with my aunt and my cousin and her fiance and my pretty friend Carlos (who is a lady, don't tell the name fool you) and then my mum and my other aunt came up later.
I was terrified the lake would be freezing and refused to go near it for the better part of the day. But when my mum came and tested the waters and said it wasn't too bad I decided to believe her. And it ended up being just lovely.

red prairie

Swam for quite awhile with Mum and Carlos and there were bigger waves than I'd seen in years! Such delicious waves! And once you got in the water was just as warm as being in the wind, especially if you're swimming around.
Ohh loveliness.

barbed wire

I've forgotten to bring home the cord to connect my cameras to the computer so I don't have any fresh pictures for you at the moment. These ones are from many summers ago (they are scans from actual film photos, even). Same places, though, so close enough?

I took some timer shots today of me jumping off these steps. Pretty dumb. Something to look forward to!

Then tonight Carlos and I went to the Yard and ran into another dreamy lady-friend (actually one we'd tried to invite out already but hadn't gotten a hold of) and had babe-gossip and nice talks!

A good, good kind of Saskatoon day.


I get pretty incensed when people in Toronto criticize Saskatoon or ask why I would go here or make comments about how boring it is.
Yeah, it's not Toronto.. That's kind of why it's great.
And it definitely is great.

Now, I'm off to check for ticks!
(I really wish that were a sexy euphemism!)