Tomorrow (Thursday) at Cumberland at 3 and Saturday at 7!
Review on says (among other things):
"... this one builds tension quite effectively and is anchored by the natural chemistry and acting talents of the charismatic leads, Nathanael Chadwick and Worldwide Short veteran Meredith Cheesbrough."
The reviewer is the same reviewer who loved me in A Small Thing at WWS a couple of years ago. My first official fan?? Or possible new boyfriend??
Anyway. Come with us to the screenings because I bet it's going to be fun. I'm going to go both days. Because that's what I'm like.
Also, if you scroll down on the WWS mainpage you can find a link to a podcast that we did about the film and what the process was, etc. Kinda neat! Oh, wait, just listen here!
Oh, hey, I just listened to this. I (fine, we) sound smart. For once!

Is taking the ferry to the island not one of the best parts of going to the island in general? Love it! Love boats! This time we took a little ferry that wasn't my favourite, next time let's go to a different part of the island so I can take that big one with all the decks I like. Boats!

I don't even know how to explain to you how much I love beaches, swimming, sand, skies, etc. You probably feel the same way? Though I hear that there are people who do not see the draw. BEACH FOREVER.
I do need to get a beach umbrella, though. Why don't they make super-compact cabanas I could put in my pocket?
Mmm cabana boy.
Ha, jokes, I would never want a cabana boy. Gross!

I'm into these Dollarama sunglasses. Total sweet deal. All sunglasses look too big on my unnaturally small face, though.

this little guy came by to share our food. Came very close and I looked at it!

Giant Tiger bikini! Prune's mum bought her one and then I went back to get a matching one. I want to go to the island with her to wear them together. Oh maybe we should get Shambers and Lols to come in their matching outfits, too??

I didn't really take any pictures of Niki really because she still hates having her picture taken so instead I took double the amount of pictures of myself. No, I would have taken this many of me anyway. I was pretty tipsy all afternoon starting with vodka in slurpees and going on from there. Sun + booze equals total zone-out if you are me. Also zone-into taking 100 pictures of myself. Embarrassing for the people I was with!

Haaaaaaaaaa the longing gazes are murdering me. I would never be able to take me seriously if I were you.

I was obsessed with getting the sun on my head just right, ya know?

Look at that mess of foods behind me! Reminder for the future, always bring twice as much food as you think you'll need to eat on your picnic.

I like how the people look in the background here.

I recommend the clothing optional beach because even on this long-weekend Sunday it still wasn't super-packed or anything. Plus most people had their clothes on. Plus we watched a guy with a super long dong slow jog down the beach in front of us. Slap slap slap.

Cpt. Heh talked on his cellphone. I had a dream that night that I got that same cellphone. BORING dreams.

Niki tried throwing things into my mouth. This has become a popular game in our friend-circle. Do we spend way too much time in the park doing nothing? yes.
Not once did I catch anything in my mouth. Gross shut up.

In this one I am the giant and Niki is a tiny minion and she is impressed by my giantess and my prowess, also.
Sorry Niki had to post this, too funny.I might even make it my profile picture but crop it even more to showcase you!


Cpt. and I played harmonicas. I was the best at it.

Watched some people build a fire. Looked like so much fun. We headed back the city when it got dark, pretty much.

other reminder for future is that an island trip doesn't have to be the biggest deal every. You can just go out for a few hours it doesn't have to be the whole day. Although that is fun, too.
This summer already feels stupid-intense and epic. Anyone else?