
Hey I have that plate in the middle there. And I want all those plates around it. I don't know what this plate exhibit was about but i did take pictures of the plates.

Want want want want want want plates!

Actually I have a lot of plates these days, I really do need more bowls, though. And mugs.

This was all outside of the theatre when we went to see Sex and the City 2.

I wish that my flash had been working more properly, this picture is so classic! That guy looked like a statue for sure. How degrading. I wasn't even sure about getting my photo taken with him, it made me too uncomfortable. Also, is that guy a babe? I can't tell.

They gave us framed prints of us with this dude. Where would I display this????????
I have never looked so terrified.
Yessssssssss partying with Raymi is always fun. In case you were wondering. Did it again last night, in fact.
I didn't bring my camera out last night to the Rethink Romp so you'll have to wait til I can grab them off her site/or the event's site.
So just look at these photos from a week or so ago, instead. Another time when Raymi brought me to swag bags.

There was underwear in the swag bag. And a gift certificate for more underwear (did you get it yet, Raymi?). Because if you're going to be having sex in the city you need underwear.

While we were in this washroom (while Raymi got changed for a date) we were privy to a whole exchange between to older women about how they wear their spanx (spanks? who knows!). It was pretty funny. The one woman trying to shake her friend into her spanks. Hahaah awwkward.

Ruth Buzzi likes swag.
Or at least the bags and tissue from the swag.

I gave away most of the Nair products now, and a bunch of those warming-lube condoms (gross!).
Ha, I ran into a guy I'd turned down for a date a few months ago and gave him a box of condoms.
Rude, or encouraging?
Aw man, I've been sitting here all dressed to go to the gym for about an hour. Maybe I should actually get around to that. Also planning on buying a tonnnne of groceries and carting them home on my mule-bike. And then I'm going to make some delicious eats for shooting tomorrow!