I really have no excuse for how long it's taking me to write an entry. I kept thinking I'd write one and then I just... didn't.
I've been very busy! So many things to do! And by "things to do" I mean "drinks to drink". Close enough.

I managed to pick up a shift on Saturday night (praise the high heavens), so that was a treat, going to work like a productive member of society and all. And then my big plan for the evening was to go home and go to sleep but instead Norman convinced me to go with him out to the east end to meet up with our pals for a film wrap party that we had nothing to do with. My favourite! I love being invited to fun things. The only thing that would've been better would have been being in the film. Win some, lose some.
We waited around at the bar forever for our buds to show up but then it turned out they were at the loft two doors up so we decided to crash that party. And when we got there we found out why no one would leave. So much food and booze! I would never leave there either, obviously!

This lovely lady was on my Taboo team at the party last week and she knows how bad that other friend screwed us. I want a better team next time!

we did indeed make it back to the bar (at like 1:30 and I felt very bad for the staff who'd been waiting around) and we drank some more (surprisingly).
I met about a billion people who I don't remember and I would bet they don't remember me. We'll work together soon, I'm sure.

hahaaaaawww there is a face that I love. So cute. Do you guys want to date this guy? he is a catch. A beardy catch.

I hope these people come across this blog and see themselves.

haaaaa, Norman had been drinking by himself at Hoops. Obviously. He basically lives there.

The one lady behind the bar there is an internet friend of mine, HI!

We went back to the loft space after the bar fully YELLING kicked us out (it needed to be done, what a disaster) and back at the loft I almost got in a fistfight with a dude. I feel like people were more worried about calming me down than the fact that this dude was being a total creeeeep in the worst way.
After I was yelling at him he went and licked my friend's shoulder!
Luckily he left because I would have beat him up forsure.

I'm going to start carrying a shiv.

I met this guy on a short several years ago but he informs me he reads my blog. Wonderful! He was very insistent on wanting to mentioned, so here you are!

hahahaaaaaa the other guy's face is murdering me. I don't know who he was but he was being very funny, I thought. We were all being pretty funny. Good for us!

Me and Norman spent a long time discussing how much we like being on set. Hey guys, let me be on set, I love it!

I love a good party. I know you'll find that surprising. But goddamn, I love a good party.

I took some pictures in the bar washroom while I was very drunk. Another surprise. I like that with hipstamatic if you shake the phone it changes your settings! It's like a camera and a game!
aaaaaaaand my face at five a.m. when we were finally getting around to leaving:

I've been thinking about instead of BabeBreak how it could be AllBabesAllTheTime.
A BabeBonanza, if you will.
Like maybe I could still be on an emotional BabeBreak but still make out with everyone all day?
"How is this different than your regular life?"
-my mother
No. I haven't decided anything for certain here, but the good part about making up random rules for your life is that you can go ahead and change them at anytime. Kind of awesome.