Here is a video I made yesterday about blushing. All I do is blush. I blush so much.
This is a partial list of the reasons why.

Life's super fun and yesterday I got a lot done on this one project, like 2 hours solid of writing. I mean, sure I'd suddenly find myself wandering around the apartment even though I was sure I was still settled down writing but then I just had to re-wrangle and sit myself back down and get back to it.

Anyway, so I probably shouldn't have gone out, shoulda worked that while it was working but I did kind of feel like I'd earned some time on the town (wow, I constantly think I deserve so many things that I don't really.).
And I will get back to it tonight. I have to because I'm meeting my friend to talk about it tomorrow. I love deadlines! It's the only way anything ever gets done around here. I need more of them in my life.
So I went and met BDWF for a drink at Commie and it was suuuuper packed. Except not actually that packed but packed right up with musicians that either I knew or BDWF knew or both of us knew. It was kind of nuts how many people were there. And nice people. And some babes. Unfortunately BDWF is a babe and so no one could hit on me because they assumed some things. That's okay though because
a) they wouldn't have hit on me anyway
b) if they did I would have just been rude, so good try
c) I'm still on BabeBreak. In theory.

Haaaaaaaanyway, I talked BDWF into going over to Huey's with me because my friends were DJing and my other friends were dancing and, oh yeah, it's a weekly 50s and 60s dance party there on Wednesday nights now!
So you should come next week!

And we can spin ourselves around!

Awww DJ Slippers and DJ LK, I will forgive them for not having Runaround Sue because they are just too adorable.
And because they did play some prrrretty fun dance tunes.

smooth rock sign.

this guy was looking at me so I took his picture.

Oh, good, Noodle's doing some work. for once. (jk)

We totally started the dance party. and be "we" I mean "I".

Cheespie was being pretty cute.

we took multiple pictures our ourselves. You're welcome for not posting all of them.

hahahhahah we love mustaches!

Deadline approaches. I gotta go to work for once. First I have to put on mascara!
I hope I make 8 hundred dollars...