Yeah, those are my favourite earrings. One is broken. They cost $2.

Scotch tasting Tuesday night care of Dollface hooking it up. Yeeeeah. I like scotch! Oh, who am I kidding, I like everything.
Especially everything free. It's fortuitous that the past couple of nights have basically been Freevenings because I really couldn't justify going out otherwise!

Some scotches we liked and some we didn't like. Obviously our favourite was the one that's like $100/bottle. classic. So tasty though, aged in desert wine casks. uh huh tell me more.

Thanks, Glenmorangie!

So classy! I'm not built for classiness. Getting better a bit sometimes.

I had to dress up a bit (cleavage, I mean) because I knew these two ladies were going and they are always dressed up. and they always have perfect hair. How do people even get perfect hair all the time?
Oh yeah, they probably at least brush it.

Not me, I can't get the knots out of my hair most days.

Okay, the thing about Hipstamatic is that it's basically the only way I've found to take decent flash-lit pictures. Flashes are awful! I cannot believe that cameras don't have better flashes yet.

I didn't realize it was Robbie Burns day and I still have no idea who that is, but I did have a Robbie Burns cocktail. I will celebrate basically anything. I'm hoping to marry into another culture so I can have way more holidays. Goddamn, let's celebrate!

Hey, look, a giant bottle!

Giant bottles are great props!

Is it a microphone?

My arms were actually too weak to support that shit.

Probs should have thought to take the lid off it.

I don't know what we were doing at this point. I had eaten like 14 pieces of sushi though!

don't look at my teeth here, once you look at them you can't stop thinking about how gross they look I don't think that's an accurate representation of them IRL.

Dollface looks super tanned and white-toothed.
I'm the palest beast these days. You know who wouldn't like me? Jersey Shore.
Niki's joke.

Once you're done a scotch tasting it's best to go over to Baby Huey's to do Karaoke.

I laughed forever at Mrs. doing "Pony" by Genuwine. If you don't know Mrs. IRL, she's basically exactly Liz Lemon. Now picture Liz Lemon doing Genuwine and humping the mic stand.
Uh huh.

I should remember to never do karaoke. I always think I want to and then it turns out I am wrong. I'm not a strong singer generally, and whenever I get around to doing karaoke I'm at the point where I can't string a sentence together, let alone carry a tune. Amazing!
I guess it's only me I'm disappointing by messing up on babebreak. But I want you all to know, that I'm quite serious about babebreak. Or I have been, and will hopefully continue to be, despite minor disruptions.
Also, part of the babebreak plan was to drink less. Which I still plan on doing and to be fair, I'm not being the worst right now, just medium-bad.
And I have to ask you; Would you say no to a scotch tasting? And then multiple scotch drinks after the tasting? Including a scotch mojito?
Would you say no to a wrap party of a show you've never watched which stars a guy you had a mild crush on as a teenager? Would you say no to open bar?
No, I didn't think so.
So cut me some slack when I take off my slacks.
(just kidding, slacks on. I said only minor disruption. hahahahahhaaa gross.)