I partied until 6 a.m. last night with 5 or 6 cute dudes (I think 6?) and no other girls and you know what we did mostly? Looked at pictures of our cats.
I love cats. And nice dudes.
Have you guys seen that commercial with the guy and the cat on his belly? And he just loves that cat? Kills me! that's the fucking best. Haaaa funny cat commercials are the best, actually.

I had a real lovely time, though. It was an odd mix of people. One vague friend (has been referred to as French-Braider on here I think?) I hadn't seen in forevs, and a bunch of dudes I barely know. I like situations like that!
The house was really nice and since it was a dude's bachelor pad I had low expectations but it was definitely neat and tidier than my place. Impressive. I love visiting people's houses. I like looking at people's things. Obviously. I'm super nosy.

It's nice to sit around talking for hours with people you barely know and getting to like them and smoking a hundred cigarettes (leave me alone) and 6 glasses of water (the only reason I'm alive today, I think).
And French-Braider bought me candy!

I wore my fucking hat until 5:30 and then promptly forgot it at the dude's house. He can have it. I won't be needing it until the next time that team is in a game that I want to watch.

I have around 1 billion photos of me in this stupid (wonderful) hat might as well get to posting some of them, I guess!

I had such a good superbowl time! Our team won the bowl!
"I'm slightly psychic about sports"
- me to Norman the other day. he for sure did not believe me and was a bit peeved because I said "don't worry Vancouver will win this hockey game" and he was like "this is a very superstitious sport!"
they did win, though.

I have way more to say about Superbowl and all of the rest of the partying we did yesterday (all 12+ hours of it for me) but not right now.

cool, I'm at the point in my exhaustion now where I can't control my body temperature!
I'm bad at being tired.
I feel a weird happy tired right now though. Mmmmm.