how about you and me have a picnic?
Just posting this in case you haven't seen it yet and had no idea what I was talking about earlier.
I'm so tired my eyes are crossing and my brain is mixing up words, I think.
I've been making some pretty good jokes today but unfortunately they are mostly around how completely nutso I am so are therefore inadmissible.

Today at work I was thinking about how I think it's completely unacceptable to post so many stupid pictures of myself. But then I started thinking about how funny it was that I was thinking that. Therefore making posting so many stupid photos completely worthwhile.

Sort of makes sense.
It's funny when I run into vague friends of mine and they tell me they read blog sometimes. It always blows my mind. I mean, I know people are reading it because of the stats but it's sometimes the people I would least expect to come around here, plus I always assume some people are coming around just to hate on blogs. And they probably wouldn't tell me they were reading if that were the case.
Anyway! It makes me very, very pleased to hear if someone read and also enjoyed this little piece of shit on the internet! And I extra-love it when it's people I wouldn't expect. So nice.