I went on such a nice walk today with my bestdogfriend, Kaya. Usually I walk Kaya in the evenings but now Dollface has started a Bay Street office job (WHAT?) and so I'm going to take Kaya out the days sometimes. Dogwalking in the day seems different than at night.
But I'm pretty happy to have the excuse to have a time to be up by and a reason to get out of the house. It's way easier to keep momentum than to build it, for me.
So hopefully now I'll be out of the house sometimes and get more stuff done? Seems slightly likely.

I still love walking. I like bike riding, but I love walking. I look forward to walks in a way that's different from most other things. It totally clears out my mind and relaxes me.
Although my shins hurt a lot right now.

I bought the This American Life radio show app and now I can listen to episodes while walking but then I just laugh out loud in the street like a crazy person. It's kind of the best. I guess I'll just have to choose only serious episodes to listen to.
Or only listen to the funny ones at night. I found that my scarf last night was good for hiding my laughing behind. I just had to be a bit quieter and no one would notice...

Kaya and I went down to the lake shore today and it was really gorgeous out. Kind of chilly, especially by the water, and kind of grey but still super nice. I barely ever hang out by the lake. It's huge!

There was a huge flock of geese and a huge flock of ducks and I wanted them to fight but they seemed like buds. Kaya likes ducks! And Kaya seemed to find it amusing when I made duck sounds. Though who the fuck can tell what dogs are about?!
Not me.
Her life is a cliché.

Niki is in town and staying with me for a bit. So I went out with her and Noodle last night to Ronnie's. Ronnie's is pretty much a joke, hey?

Guess how much I feel like being on babe break? NOT AT ALL.
I haven't officially announced or decided that it's begun.. I'm still thinking on it. And flirting with babes. Obviously.
When I was thinking about babe break while in Saskatoon it was easier because it was Saskatoon. But have you been to Toronto? THERE ARE SO MANY BABES. I see all of them! And it's winter time and they are so cute in their tuques and beards and plaids! Aii.

Oh yeah also went out with Dollface, Violet and NN on Sunday night and scoped some babes and mostly drank a lot of gin and tonics. So delicious. Not to point out the obvious here but man, I love going out with ladies. Especially funny and fun ladies. I'm kind of glad we didn't get in to Dakota. I liked our own bar crawl and running into other buds.

I love Toronto. I think this might be the first time where I was excited to come back here after Saskatoon. I love Saskatoon but it was feeling a little small this time around. I think it'd be the best place to be with a partner and best friends, but I'd hate to be single in Saskatoon right now. Plus there's so much petty shit in certain circles and nowhere to go to escape it. I loved staying in and hanging with my family and I loved driving around, but I found the social aspect to be a bit wearing this time.
Still want to live there at some point again. At least for a bit or part time or maybe film stuff there or have a cottage out there.

I do miss my mother though. And my whole family.
From my cousin's blog:
Also, one of the most beautiful Christmas trees I have ever decorated. (Tragically scarring my children by 1, involving them only minimally in the decorating process and 2, not being interested in showcasing school crafts on the tree. Refrigerators, walls, windows - fine. But not my tree.)
Well, actually, Rachel snuck a penguin ornament with a picture of herself onto the tree in a wall-facing corner and I have left it there because I enjoy the touching symbolism of my little waif sneaking representations of herself into my austere Christmas - like a glimpse of a seventeenth century orphan through your frosted window panes.
haaaaa classic.