It takes a concerted effort for me to leave the house without mascara on. Even if it's just to walk the dog. I try to do it from time to time to prove that I'm still the don't-care hippie I imagine myself to be.

Luckily I am nothing if not completely enamored with my hair today. If my hair looked like this every day my life would be complete. How did I even get it to this colour? Why won't this colour last? Honestly, though, how do I keep it?
Lately everyone is dying their hair red (exaggeration) and now I have conversation after conversation about trying to get a good shade and then keep it. It's quite amazingly stupid, really! Amazing.

I thought I wanted it to be more Emma Stone's colour in Easy A,

But I'm okay with what my hair is doing right now. Though I still do like that darker colour.

Hey, look, the dog!
Probably Lucinda Bright (my foster cat) is getting very jealous about how many dog photos I'm posting. Just kidding, she's not allowed to go on the internet.
ugh, sorry. I feel like I'm getting lamer by the second.
I'm getting more and more into bad puns and lame word jokes, also. I think it's because I expect other people to make them more and I want to get there first. Almost fair.

My stomach was being dumb and so I hung out at Dollface's and watched TV for a bit today. I like walking DF's dog but I would never want to walk other people dogs. Just Kaya. Also because I never worry if DF will be annoyed I'm watching her TV or touching her things. Also because Kaya is a low-stress dog, she's pretty easy going and a good walking companion. Aww.

I don't really have any shifts at work this week. I feel alright about that. Terrifyingly poor, yes, but excited to relax about, hibernate a bit, and get some work done. And next month is lots of shifts (fingers crossed).
I meant to write all day yesterday but really only got into it around 11 p.m. or so. It's alright because I got a lot alot done by the time I decided to pack it in around 3.
The stuff I'm working on is alright. But then I started reading a couple of other scripts that I didn't write and they were great. I was a bit jealous. Got to get past the jealousy and just do the work.
I know I've said it before, but man, I would really prefer if I were great at everything right off the bat and never had to actually work at things.
Classic deservist attitude.

Pineapple-shaped tea ball which was a gift from Violet awhile ago, still one of my favourites. Saskabush tea (Saskatoon berries and rosehips and things) from Cuppa Tea in Lawson Mall in Saskatoon.
I made soup! Ha, everyone is surprised. What else would I make?

It looks thick. I like it like that. If you like a thinner soup, add more water, I don't care.
1 medium onion
1/4 zucchini
1/2 red pepper
6 button mushrooms
1 can crushed tomatoes
1/2 cup lentils
1/2 cup quinoa
2 cups of vegetable stock
some Italian seasoning blend
This is exactly like all the other soups I make (especially like the one that's just curry instead of tomatoes, leave me alone), and all the ingredients are 100% approximates. Just cut everything up and then put all the ingredients in and cook it forever. You can put in other vegetables or not these vegetables! I fried up the onions and mushrooms in a bit of butter and olive oil first. You don't have to. You can do whatever you like, really.
I lovelove the combination of lentils and quinoa. So filling in a great way.

Ha, I made apple-strawberry crisp the other day and my friend came over and he said, "why?"
What a question! Like there ever needs to be a reason for a crisp.

I haven't been able to find a good day planner yet for the year (and I depend on my dayplanner/notebooks so much!), so I'm going to go about marking up a blank book to make it into one. Hey, I have the time. Plus then I can make it the best ever.
I have to find a great movie to watch while I do so. Lately I've watched:
Black Swan (liked it)
Easy A (liked it)
All Good Things (liked it)
Those are my reviews. You're welcome.