hmmm. upkeeping this blog seems to be slipping away from me lately. I don't have any good reasons. I'm constantly thinking of big things I want to be writing about and dissecting but then I can't commit to sitting down and writing all of it properly. So I just end up writing nothing at all.
I expected January to be a slower month, seemed like everyone would be hibernating. But instead it's been a lot of BFFs all the time, a sprinkling of babes (wow that sounds gross) and lots of adventures and some of the best laughs around.
So, maybe I'm not getting the work done that I so badly need to tend to, but at least I laugh until I fall over at least once a day (usually 3 times).

Went to Comedy Bar last night for Sunday Night Live. So many bffs came with me. Dollface's brother(who is multi-talented) hosted and the musical guest was Donovan Woods, who I'd never met IRL despite being both facebook and twitter friends with him. Actually, I'd never even heard his music until I sought it out yesterday in preparing for enjoying the show to its fullest.
I really like this guy! Dollface and I bought his CDs, and they are very lovely. Also, he has a song called Lawren Harris and in highschool we did dioramas of Lawren Harris painting and had a Lawren Harris sleepover one time where we all pointed to god a lot.
hmmmmm that was more fun than it sounds when I write it out like that.
Aaaaanyway, good songs.
I aint saying she's better than you, you see
But she's just better than you, for me
see? pretty good.

DF's bro did a great job hosting, v funny, I mean, obviously.
And then we all stayed and drank and made jokes! Mrs, Cheespie, Noodle, Flash Gordon (plus her cute date), plus lots of people who left a bit earlier, lots of my favourites. Also got to meet a couple of people I really only know from twitter.
Not to point out the obvious but, I love the internet. How did we even make friends in the past?
Mrs. for some (godforsaken) reason bought shots, which is always a sign things are going downhill and then we had a mini dance party and yelled awkward things at each other.
Man, my awkwardness is just getting out of control sometimes these days. At least it's funny?

I can't explain how lovely it was by the lake this morning.
It turns out I can't listen to serious episodes of The American Life while I'm walking either, as I've cried at least 3 times in public this week because of it. I mean, I am a weeper but this is just silly.
Kaya loves the snow and I love how bright and sunny and crisp it was today. My face froze in a nice way. ahaaa, if that makes sense.

Niki was staying with me off and on last week while she was in town. It was nice to have someone stay who wasn't a stranger to the city and had things to do. I didn't have to entertain her all day or worry that she was kept busy. It was nice when she stopped by and we could catch up. And she is very, very funny and makes fun of me all day, which is amusing.
It made me want to have roommates. Which I've never really wanted. Except I actually started thinking about this in December, I can't remember why.
I'm 27 and have lived alone for 7 years. I have a bit of a fear that I'm becoming a set-in-my-ways, stubborn spinster.
By which I mean I think it'd be a huge shock to my system to move in with a partner. Or to have kids. Or both. I mean, think of all those people touching my things!
So maybe I want to live in a big place with lots of people (I feel like more than one roommate would be easier than just one? discuss).
Hanging out at the Bellwoods house and visiting the different people on the different floors is nice. It looks like fun having people around sometimes. Plus the last time I had roommates (just once 7 years ago for two months) I didn't have a tv or a computer in my room, which could make all the difference.
So. I don't know. Talking with Flash Gordon about moving out, it'd be funny, us two who have lived on our own for so long to go back to teenage living. But also neat?
Anyone else looking for a place wanna discuss?
My main criteria for roommates is that they have babely friends.

Ha, as you might have guessed, babe break 2k11 is not going that well. I'm not sleeping with the world or anything, but I've definitely got scope-eye and a couple of good crushes going on.
Totally not my fault, babes fault.
Hey look how cute my family is at my aunt's wedding in the summer. I look a bit photo-shopped in, but that's not my fault. Also I like how my mum is the only one looking at the camera and she's so cute.
I'm going to go open all my writing files now and pretend I'm going to do some work on them!
Best hobby!