Okay, oh good, some pictures of myself. For once. You're welcome.

I wanted to show you how faded out my hair colour is (because I know that you have been wondering how that is going for me) but then the light isn't even good so.....

So then I just edited a bunch of them anyway.
I feel like I used to be better at smiling. When did I stop being good? I think I'm alright at smiling IRL just not necessarily for photos.
My chin is just so extreme, it stretches the skin across it in an annoying way. Should I smile more to stretch out that skin? Should I do face-stretching exercises? Is this just going to go away as my jowls start sagging and I should enjoy it while it lasts?

Ha, imagine being a regular non-actor, non-blog person who could just never think so much about how dumb their face is...
English is my first language.


Mini-flask necklaces.

Dollface and Violet suggested that I sell these. So now I want to. Where should I sell these? Who will sell them for me?

Aww I like these little guys. Dollface had bourbon in hers last night. Mmmm.

I didn't mean to go out last night but then everyone was texting and they all seemed to be heading to the same area and then when I finally got dressed and out the door, everything seemed to fall through but I was wearing sequins (an awesome vintage dress I cut into a sweet shirt so good. why didn't I take pictures?) so I couldn't very well turn around and go back home, could I?
So I went down to meet Dollface at Goodnight and I made some good jokes and some new buds and then we hoofed it up to Churchill where we stayed until we got kicked out. But I fully maintained babebreak didn't even entertain any dumb notions.
Actually feeling so great about babebreak. It has taken all of the "loneliness" out of my life... I say that because I'm never really lonely, I'm pretty much always content in my life and lifestyle, but the idea of being actively looking for love adds a sense of loneliness to my lifestyle. Like I'm failing somehow, or missing something. Which I don't think is necessarily true.
Funny how society conspires against me when I should be busy enjoying myself.

I think this one is for me to keep. I put vodka in it already. I need another flask because I only have four other ones. But I can't find my 3-ouncer. Sooo... Plus this one is a 5-ouncer and I don't have one that size.

Also, there's been an epidemic of break-ups it seems, lately? Has anyone else noticed this trend? My one friend today was blaming the lunar eclipse. I wonder....
Oh yeah, I spent today with one of my favourite people, eating cookies, drinking multiple kinds of tea, picking at all the candy in the house, and talking about everything. Perfect kind of afternoon. Spending time at home with friends is the best because there's no pressure to finish up or get going, or get to the subjects. You can talk or be quiet or yell or cry even and it's no big deal.

Now maybe I'll do the laundry! No real point since I'm on babe break, I know but whatever.