brunch yesterday at Saving Grace. Yeah, sometimes I don't go to Aunties. Unbelievable, I know.
Saving Grace is outrageously good as well, just my heart belongs to Aunties, ya know?

I was a bit disappointed they didn't have their espresso avocado shake thing, but luckily there will be a next time.
We were all a bit haggard from the night before. classic party-all-the-time lifestyle. I was actually miraculously fine even though Dollface and I had done a drinking tour of Ossington and I had done not one, but two shots (I have a no shots policy) and even eaten a (gluuuuten) falafel on my way home. Baaad idea. But then I was fine, actually.
Some night are just like that.

Today in the park Kaya was chewing a branch and managed to get a bit of stick caught in her throat and was sort of panicking about it and trying to get it out, which made me panic a bit, also. But luckily when I was trying to hurry her out of the park (stopping every few feet so the she could madly dig at her face and try to burrow away in the snow) she must have shaken it loose. And so everything was okay and I got her home and she was eating and drinking fine.
I hate when animals are upset. And babies. It always gets to me. I can't imagine the panic and fear that parents must feel when their babies are in trouble.
Still want babies though.

Seems like everything fun is happening on Friday, hey? I hate when all the fun things are all in one night. How am I supposed to decide? I feel like the best decision would be staying home, but I probably won't!

I'm still kind of hung up on the idea of roommates. Also pleased to be living where I do. Opinions?