Oh, lordy, what a mood I was in today. Or at times, a lack of mood. I wasn't super sad or anything, just... you know.
I walked the dog and I was too tired and not feeling well so then I just hung out at Dollface's all day watching cable TV. I seriously kept meaning to get up and go home but it just didn't happen. I found some microwave popcorn and some green tea and a blanket and I was pretty much all set! It was actually kind of fun. Having a sick day in Dollface's house instead of mine.

Did everyone watch Oprah meet her half-sister she never knew about today? That was pretty interesting, I thought! It's crazy because Oprah's done so many stories over the years and gets in everyone else's business, it's interesting to see her talk about her own self.
I went through a phase of really hating Oprah but now I'm back to thinking she's basically probably a good person. A bit annoying, but aren't we all?
Don't answer that.

Cpt. Heh took me out to dinner tonight, like a date. I told him it was a date but he refused this idea. Spoilsport! I feel kind of bad because I was super out of it and it was a bit of a waste of hangouts, like I really didn't do a good job of interacting. I was disappointed in myself. Sorry, bud.

Tonight it is my main goal to do as little as possible (breaking that plan by writing this, though, ugh) so I asked Twitter and Facebook which show I should start watching and I got some pretty good recommends, I think! I'm kind of excited to dig in.
God damn I love TV. I know it's stupid and it sucks my life away but I just love it. It will all be redeemed when I have my own shows so don't even worry about it, yo.
I watched the first recommend I got which was Misfits, a British e4 show about a group of youth doing community service. And that's all I knew about it. Which was enough.
I'm only two episodes deep but so far, so good!
I love these promo shots, even! Nice design work. I love the way it's shot, too. I love British accents and I love a bit of the supernatural in my shows. Actually in my books, too. I like books about dragons!
One time I read a book in which the boy had to sleep inside of the dead dragon who had been his bestfriend and then he came out with superpowers!
Nerd city!
hhhhhhanyway. Good show, recommend. Especially if you like sex and violence and stuff.
I have a list of other shows I want to get into now, as well. Nice to have a plan.
Hahahahaaaaa my mum told me she thought I needed to make some plans for my life.. I don't think this is what she had in mind. Maybe, though?
If you have shows to recommend, please tell me! I've watched a lot of stuff but still will always want to watch more. Especially the best stuff!